- Mialz lime kiln 控制
- The village and a nearby lime kiln were gazetted as a monument in 1981. 一九八一年宪报刊登公告,宣布该村庄及附近的灰窑为古迹。
- The lime kiln will burn high bright lime mainly for the paper industry. 该石灰窑将煅烧高亮度石灰主要用于造纸工业。
- Comments on Technology in Fire and Air Purification inside the Lime Kiln at Qinghai Alkali Enterprises Co., Ltd. 青海碱业石灰窑煅烧及窑气净化技术。
- This paper introduces how to fix the important running date of LMD lime kiln, and the keys of daily maintenance. 文章介绍了如何确定新型LMD石灰窑的一些重要运行参数以及日常运行维护要点。
- The site chosen for the grave is a disused lime kiln on the edge of Libin village. 小山坡上的这个伤疤成了这场灾害遇难者的巨大墓地。
- Introduces the process principles of 500 t MAERZ lime kiln, and the w riter modified the some improper designs on foreign drawing during designing. 主要论述了迈尔兹双膛竖窑的生产工艺及在转化设计中对外方图纸设计不当处的改进。
- It is repaired that the damaged firebrick lining of lime kiln in Second Sintering Plant by using the technology of spraying in 1993. 1993年马钢第二烧结厂1%23石灰竖窑进行中修时,对其损坏的耐火砖内衬工作层采用喷补修复工艺,并初步获得成功。
- The level switch located outside the lime kiln at high level position is used for automatically refilling the kiln with limestone. 石灰窑外面的料位开关可自动控制窑中石灰石的加料上限。
- By-product materials like lime kiln dust (LKD), cement kiln dust, and fly ash are usually used to modify pavement subgrades. 摘要石灰炉渣和水泥炉渣常用于加固路基土。
- The SIMATIC S7 series PLC was used to control the whole manufacture process in annular lime kiln for producing active lime at Jigang Baode Loading Company. 济钢鲍德炉料公司活性石灰环形套筒窑采用SIMATICS7系列PLC控制整个生产过程;软件为STEP7V5.;1及WINCCV5
- Firefighters work to reach four workers trapped inside a collapsed hillside lime kiln, used to produce quicklime, a key ingredient in mortar and other compounds. 消防员正努力营救位于山腰上坍塌的石灰窑中的四名受困工人,石灰用于制造生石灰,是灰泥和其他化合物中的关键成分。
- Dimensions of knife blocks for rotary cement and lime kilns. 耐火制品。旋转水泥和石灰窑用砌块的尺寸。
- This paper introduces the theoretical base for active lime production and the technical characteristics of MAERZ lime kiln,points out the problems in lime production and solutions to solving them. 介绍了活性石灰生产的理论基础,MAERZ窑的技术特性,生产中遇到的问题和解决办法。
- Rotary kiln is rotary calcine kiln that belongs to building material equipment, which can be divided into cement kiln, metallurgy chemical kiln and lime kiln according to different materials. 回转窑也称旋转煅烧窑,属于建材设备。回转窑按处理物料不同可分为水泥窑、冶金化工窑和石灰窑。
- For example, the demonstration plant will re-use the extra gas emerging from the process to heat the lime kiln in the pulp production process instead of using exhaustible raw materials such as oil. 举例来说,这一示范工厂将重复利用排放的余热蒸汽来加热纸浆生产过程中的石灰炉,以替代诸如石油等不可再生资源的使用。
- The control of thermal process in lime kiln 浅析石灰窑热工过程的控制
- Many sugar beet plants are operating lime kilns on-site to produce both the quicklime and the carbon dioxide required for the purification process. 许多制糖工厂在现场运行石灰窑以生产净化过程所需的生石灰和二氧化碳。
- Dust-removal Scheme and Practice of the Lime Kiln 石灰竖窑烟尘治理概况及实践