- Meyer am Apparat. 油穷三议页濯勋栉。
- Wang Gang am Apparat.Mit wem spreche ich? 我是王刚。请问你是谁?
- Hallo, sind Sie noch am Apparat? 喂,您还在电话机旁吗?
- B:Hal10,Lin Pin9,bist du am Apparat? 喂,林平,是林平吗?
- Bitte bleiben Sie am Apparat! Hold the line, please! 词典中有太多翻译?请用过滤搜索功能来精确您的结果.
- Ich versuche Sie zu verbinden. Bleiben Sie bitte am Apparat. 我试着接通电话,您在电话机旁等着。
- Es wird leider gerade gesprochen . Bleiben Sie bitte am Apparat. 现在正在谈话,请您在电话机旁等一会儿。
- Katherine Meyer was born in 1917 to a wealthy and privileged family. 凯瑟琳·迈耶1917年出生在一个富裕的特权家庭。
- The 21st Panzer Division's attack had still not started and Meyer was afraid his flank would be turned. 第21装甲师的攻击还没有开始,梅耶害怕他的侧翼会遭到攻击。
- Guten Tag! Thaler am Apparat. 您好!泰勒在讲话。
- Bleiben Sie am Apparat! 请别挂机!
- Meyer was all set to push forward when he spotted another Canadian brigade moving south around his right flank. 梅耶也开始向前推进,他发现另一个加拿大旅正在向南威胁他的右翼。
- Wer ist am Apparat? 请问是哪位?
- Meyer was part of the Higher Life movement and preached often at the Keswick Convention. 迈尔是丰盛生命运动的一分子,经常在凯锡克的培灵会讲道。
- Thaler am Apparat. 泰勒在讲话。
- They announced their engagement last summer, when Meyer was four months pregnant. 去年夏天梅耶已有四个月身孕时两人宣布订婚。
- The 32-year-old Kurt Meyer was appointed in Witt's place, making him the youngest German divisional commander of the war. 32岁的库尔特梅耶接替了维特的职务,成为战争中德军最年轻的师长。
- Using the stairs improves fitness, body composition, blood pressure and lipid profiles, Meyer was quoted as saying by the Swissinfo news website. 据该项在日内瓦大学附属医院开展的研究发现,上下班坚持走楼梯能够增强体质,而且能减掉脂肪、腰围和降血压。
- The matter ended up before the local magistrate and through the intervention of Reginald Farrar who was also plant hunting in the area at the same time, Meyer was acquitted. 事情结束了在当地裁判,并通过干预reginaldfarrar也被植物狩猎区在同一时间,迈耶获判无罪。
- Earlier Mr. Meyer was responsible for the introduction of the Euro currency at the Dutch National Railways and several software off shoring projects in China. 起初庄士杰先生负责为荷兰国家铁路引进欧元币种以及在中国的软件外包项目。