Methods 13 N-NH 3 and 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET imaging were performed in seven cases of astro cytomas including 3 anteoperative astrocytomas, 2 recurrent astrocytomas, 2 brai n injury o r necrosis after the operation and radiotherapy.

  • 方法 7例星形细胞瘤患者 ,包括术前星形细胞瘤 3例 ,术后复发 2例 ,术后放疗后脑损伤或坏死 2例。 7例中 6例在 2d内完成13 N NH3 和18F 脱氧葡萄糖 (FDG)PET显像 ,1例仅行13 N NH3 显像。
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