- A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community. 警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权
- Method of Law Enforcement 执法方式
- The methods of procedure used in a court of law. 程序法用于法庭的诉讼程序。
- At the same time, methods of retaliatory psychiatry are used against persons who are trying to stop the violence, and psychiatry is, of course, backed by law enforcement agencies. 与此同时,报复精神病学的方法正被应用于那些正在努力尝试去制止暴力的人们,当然,有执法机构在背后支持。
- It is brought about by experts of law to think about the civil society and applied on the deductive method of logic. 它在法学家对市民社会的抽象思辨中产生,在逻辑的演绎推理中得到实际的运用。
- No locality may apply the method of tax collection upon verification to the whole trade of law firms. 一、任何地区均不得对律师事务所实行全行业核定征税办法。
- The study of law will instill in the law student a critical method of analyzing facts and situations. 对法律的研习会给法律专业的学生灌输一种分析事实和情况的判断方法。
- Summer fallow is the best method of destroying weeds. 夏季休耕是消灭杂草的最好办法。
- From the perspective of course, methodology of the science of law is neither equal to the method of legal dogmatics nor to the method of analytical jurisprudence and case law. 摘要从学科视角看,“法学方法”并不等同于法教义学的方法,也无法涵盖分析法学的方法、判例法的方法;
- This is not an economical method of heating. 这不是一种经济的取暖方式。
- Adopting the method of the Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty kept the form of law arranged and adopted the external legal form --imperial decree -to amend it supplementarily. 宋代承袭了唐代的做法,保持律的形式不变,而用外在的法律形式敕对其补充修正。
- His method of organizing the work is commendable. 他组织这项工作的办法是值得称赞的。
- You'll find little system in his method of work. 他的工作方法无甚条理。
- It's not an economical method of heating. 这不是一种经济的取暖方式。
- Taxpayer: what do you mean by the method of derivation? 纳税人:什么是以支出换算收入?
- "Economic analysis of law" means to study law problems by using concepts and methods of economics. 摘要用经济学的概念及方法来研究法律问题,被称之为“法律的经济分析”。
- The others gave some pointers on improving the method of operation. 其他同志则出了一些点子来改进操作方法。
- Blow-drying replace the old method of putt curler into wet hair. 边吹乾边吹发型的方法取代了湿发上卷子的老方法。
- It also has two traits that distinguishes it with other copyrights: its law basis is opaque and the protect methods of law in it is special. 还有与其他种类的著作权相区别的两个重要法律特征:权利依据的模糊性、法律保护方法的独特性。
- A copy made by this method of duplication. 油印品通过这种方法印制的印刷品