- Method is called prior to validating or updating the value. 则在验证或更新该值之前,将调用。
- Method is called to generate the appropriate keyboard events. 方法,以生成适当的键盘事件。
- Method is called to validate 方法以验证
- Represents a method that is called to validate a cached item before the item is served from the cache. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
- The SetBoundsCore method is called to set the Bounds property. 调用SetBoundsCore方法以设置Bounds属性。
- Method is called to load and build the site map from persistent storage. 方法被调用,以从持久性存储区加载和生成站点地图。
- Method is then called to clear all errors. 方法来清除所有错误。
- Method is called to see if it is allowed to add a new provider dynamically. 方法看看是否允动态添加新的提供程序。
- The method is called to perform tasks that will allow the application to end gracefully, such as closing resources. 方法。调用此方法是为了执行将允许应用程序正常结束的任务,如关闭资源。
- Method is called immediately after adding a control to a container. 向容器添加一个控件后,立即调用。
- The method is called to perform tasks that will allow the application to end gracefully. 方法。调用此方法可执行将允许应用程序正常结束的任务。
- Then, as necessary, a fix-up method is called to fill in the objects in the array. 然后,根据需要调用修正方法以填充数组中的对象。
- Everybody is called to contribute ideas. 要求人人都想办法出主意。
- The Replace(String, String) method is called to remove all embedded spaces in the time zone identifiers before they are assigned to the resource file. 在将时区标识符分配给资源文件之前,应调用Replace(String,String)方法移除时区标识符中嵌入的所有空格。
- Is called to create a new random value. 创建新的随机值。
- In each scenario where controls are added, the IsAuthorized method is called to ensure that all authorization criteria have been met to allow a control to be added. 在添加控件的每种情形中,将调用IsAuthorized方法确保所有授权条件得到满足以允许添加控件。
- Method, provide functionality for "pull" propagation, in which the transaction is "pulled" from the remote machine when this method is called to unmarshal the transaction. 方法都提供“拉”传播功能,当调用此方法取消封送事务时,此功能将从远程计算机“拉”出事务。
- Method is called after the element is added. 方法,并在添加元素之后调用。
- Method is called after the object is removed. 方法;在移除对象之后,调用。
- He is calling to look for her continuously. 他一直在打电话找她。