- Method is called after the element is added. 方法,并在添加元素之后调用。
- Method is called after the object is removed. 方法;在移除对象之后,调用。
- Method is called after the new segment color has been set. 要使这种更改可见,在设置了新的扇形块颜色后调用。
- This method is called after the other initialization functions. 当其他初始化生效后,将调用此方法。
- An exception is thrown when this method is called after the outcome of the transaction has already been determined. 在事务结果已确定之后调用此方法将会引发异常。
- If an object's Dispose method is called more than once, the object must ignore all calls after the first one. 如果某对象的Dispose方法被调用一次以上,则该对象必须忽略第一次调用后的所有调用。
- Method is called after page initialization is complete. 方法在页初始化完成后调用。
- This method is called immediately after the constructor. 在构造函数之后立即调用此方法。
- Method is called after all postback data returned from the user is loaded. 方法在从用户返回的所有回发数据都已加载后调用。
- The Initialize method of an IDesigner is called after the component for the designer has been sited and initialized, and the designer has been created. 在已经放置并初始化了设计器的组件并创建了设计器之后,就会调用IDesigner的Initialize方法。
- This method is called the lift-slab method. 这种方法叫做升板法。
- That student called after the departing teacher. 那位学生对著离去的老师叫喊。
- The new method is called RUS-CHN. 这种新的骨龄评价方法称为RUS-CHN法。
- Method is called after The 事件后调用
- The following code example displays the Count of the Buttons before and after the Clear method is called. 下面的代码示例显示在调用Clear方法之前和之后Buttons的Count。
- This might result in the Elapsed event being raised after the Stop method is called. 这可能导致在调用Stop方法后引发Elapsed事件。
- Unload is called after the page has been fully rendered, sent to the client, and is ready to be discarded. 完全呈现页、将页发送至客户端并准备丢弃时,将调用卸载。
- Is called after the manifest, but before the application has been downloaded to the local system. 在清单之后,但在应用程序被下载到本地系统之前调用。
- Rather, the code must wait for the NavigateComplete2 event to fire, thereby preventing synchronous access to the object right after the Navigate method is called. 而,代码必须等待NavigateComplete2事件可触发,之后调用Navigate方法从而阻止对对象右边同步访问。
- Is called after the workbook is running and all the initialization code in the assembly has been run. 在工作簿处于运行状态并且该程序集中的所有初始化代码都已运行之后,将调用。