- Southwesterly winds are the dominant meteorological parameter for this transport. 风场是影响周边地区污染输送的主要气象因素。
- Conventional meteorology parameters 常规气象参数
- On the basis of Nanjing’s meteorologic parameter for building energy consumption analyses, the thesis establishes the air conditoning energy consumption model for a representative building in Nanjing. 在统计出南京市建筑能耗分析用气象数据的基础上,本文采用温频法建立了南京市一样板房空调能耗模型。
- More meteorological parameters data had been recorded by ARGO-SPT experiment since November of 2005. SPT实验从2005年11月开始记录比较详细的环境参量数据。
- The branch of meteorology that deals with clouds. 云学研究云的气象学分支
- Meteorology parameter 气象参数
- CS Meteorology Tech Development Co. 中科气象技术开发公司。
- This is a book about meteorology. 这本书是讲气象的。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- Meteorology is the science of the weather. 气象学是关于天气的科学。
- Tian Shan four seasons, the Meteorology Series. 天桂山四季分明,气象万千。
- When it comes to meteorology, I'm just a layman. 谈到气象学,我只是个门外汉。
- Based on the data of radon eduction rate and meteorological parameters measured in field, this paper discussed the relationship between the meteorological paramters and the surface radon eduction rate of flat or hill type of uramium waste rock heap. 在实测氡析出率和气象参数的基础上,讨论了气象参数对平坦型、型铀废石场表面氡析出率的影响。
- This paper introduces a system of ground meteorological parameters collected from the automatic weather station based on 1-Wire bus technology. The weather station is developed jointly by Dallas Semiconductor and Texas Weather Instruments, Inc.. of USA. 本文介绍了采用美国Dallas Semiconductor公司和Texas气象仪器公司共同推出的基于单总线(1-Wire)技术的微型自动气象站组建基于1-Wire地面气象参数采集系统,该系统运用单总线技术通过一根线传输数据与电源。
- More meteorological parameters data had been recorded by ARGO-SPT experiment since November of 2005. In this thesis, the data of environment parameters in December of 2005 are analyzed using the method of multivariate correlation analysis. ARGO-SPT实验从2005年11月开始记录比较详细的环境参量数据。 本文通过对2005年12月份的数据作环境参量的多元相关性分析。
- Research and Analysis of Wire Ice Covering Meteorological Parameter 导线覆冰气象参数的分析研究
- The comparison between aerosol (PM10) and meteorological parameters implied a possibility of a semidirect effect on the explanation of the observed holiday effect in the Taipei Metropolitan area. 分析悬浮微粒(PM10)与气象参数之间的关系发现,半直接辐射效应可能与台北都会区的假期效应有关。
- Liu, C.M., C.Y.Huang, S.L.Shieh, and C.C.Wu, “Important Meteorological Parameters for Ozone Episodes Experienced in the Taipei Basin,” Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.159-173 (1994). 江世民、黄静雯,台湾地区北中南区域性臭氧型态分析与比较,第十七届空气污染控制技术研讨会论文集,第45-49页(2000)。
- The system is used to measure meteorological parameters like temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind direction, wind speed, etc. in its flight zone or concerned area. 无人机气象探测系统用以完成飞行区域内以及所关注区域的温度、相对湿度、气压、风向、风速等气象参数的测量任务。
- But economics is even harder than meteorology or seismology. 但经济学比气象学及地震学更难。