- Metathelypteris decipiensn. 迷人凸轴蕨
- Pseudoterranova decipiens (s.l.) is one of the causative agents for human anisakiasis, an important parasitic zoonosis. 伪新地蛔线虫(Pseudoterranova decipiens)复合种是重要的人畜共患的寄生虫,可以引起人的异尖线虫病,是我国禁止入境的二类寄生虫。
- Studies on respondent of some tree species as Elaeocarpus decipiens to stress of salt fog and its physiologi-cai characteristics. 杜英等树种对盐雾胁迫的反应及其生理特性研究。
- Chaetoceros decipiens f. singularisn. 并基角毛藻单胞变型
- Diploneis decipiens var. parallelan. 迷惑双壁藻平行变种
- Oedogonium decipiens var. dissimilen. 迷惑鞘藻异形变型
- Oedogonium decipiens var. bernardensen. 迷惑鞘藻波那得变种
- Preliminary study on pathogen identification and screening antibiotics agents of Elaeocarpus decipiens blight 杜英叶枯病病原菌鉴定及抑菌药剂筛选初报
- Metathelypteris glanduliferan. 有腺凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris hattoriin. 林下凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris wuyishanensisn. 武夷山凸轴蕨
- Metathelypterisn. 凸轴蕨属
- Metathelypteris adscedensn. 微毛凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris flaccidan. 薄叶凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris gracilescensn. 凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris laxan. 疏羽凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris petiolulatan. 有柄凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris singalanensisn. 鲜绿凸轴蕨
- Metathelypteris uraiensisn. 乌来凸轴蕨
- Trichia decipiensn. 长尖团毛菌