- Metadata server cluster 元数据服务器机群
- Metadata Server The geograPhic information data is mass data. 元数据服务器。 地理信息数据是海量数据,建立科学的数据组织与管
- Cluster node %1 has been evicted from the server cluster. 群集节点%251已从服务器群集中退出。
- Cluster service successfully joined the server cluster %1. 群集服务成功地加入了服务器群集%251。
- The shared disks in an Exchange 2003 server cluster are a critical part of the cluster technology. Exchange 2003服务器群集上的共享磁盘是群集技术的关键部分。
- This option is disabled because you cannot use a built-in System account on a SQL Server Cluster. 该选项已被禁用,因为您无法在SQL Server群集上使用内置系统帐户。
- You only have to back up the node in the server cluster that currently owns the quorum disk resource. 只需备份当前拥有仲裁磁盘资源的服务器群集中的节点。
- Load balance of Apache server cluster based on process migration can enhance the whole performance efficiently. 利用进程迁移实现Apache服务器集群的负载均衡,可有效提升系统的整体性能,套接字迁移是其中的一个关键问题。
- Content-aware service scheduling helps to balance the loads on Web server cluster. 基于内容的Web服务请求调度算法有利于均衡服务器集群系统的负载。
- Any node in a server cluster can access the shared disks while the cluster service is running, and all the nodes rely on those disks to be intact. 服务器群集上的任何节点都可以在群集服务运行时访问共享磁盘,但所有节点都依赖于共享磁盘的完好无损。
- Depending on the type of server cluster you implement, the quorum disk may or may not be a physical disk on the shared cluster disk array. 根据实现的服务器群集类型,仲裁磁盘可能是共享群集磁盘阵列上的物理磁盘,也可能不是。
- The shared disk resource that maintains the consistency of your server cluster is the quorum disk resource, unless you are using the Majority Node Set. 维持服务器群集一致性的共享磁盘资源是仲裁磁盘资源,除非使用的是多数节点集。
- If you must rebuild a whole server cluster, you must restore the node that owned the quorum disk resources before you restore or join any other node. 如果必须重建整个服务器群集,则必须在还原或加入其他任何节点之前还原拥有仲裁磁盘资源的节点。
- As long as the maximum number of nodes for the server cluster has not been exceeded, you can add new nodes to a cluster at any time. 只要服务器群集上的节点没有超过最大数量,就可以随时向群集添加新节点。
- Server cluster failure detection and prevention include bi-directional failover, application failover, parallel recovery, and automatic failback. 服务器群集失败检测和防止包括双向故障转移、应用程序故障转移、并行恢复和自动故障回复。
- Second, server clusters simplify hardware and software maintenance. 第二,服务器群集简化了硬件和软件维护。
- Server clustering helps to ensure that's always the case. 服务器群集会帮助确保您的服务器始终可用。
- Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) in Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition was the first server cluster technology offered by Microsoft. Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.;0企业版中的Microsoft Cluster Server(MSCS)是Microsoft提供的第一个服务器群集技术。
- When installing Exchange Server into a Windows server cluster, Exchange must be installed in the same directory location on all nodes. 将Exchange Server安装到Windows服务器群集中时,必须将Exchange安装在所有节点上的相同目录位置。
- Design and Implementation of Two-level Metadata Server in Small-scale Cluster File System 小规模集群文件系统中两级元数据服务器的设计与实现