- Article 32 The awards include: Citation for Meritorious Deeds, Merit Citation Class III, Merit Citation Class II, Merit Citation Class I, and a title of honour. 第三十二条奖励分为:嘉奖,记三等功、二等功、一等功,授予荣誉称号。
- Is a special class load exception. 是特殊的类加载异常。
- He had been a soldier, had gone to war and had won a second-class merit citation. 是一个复员军人,参加过抗美援朝,还立过一次二等功。
- Merit Citation Class II; second-class merit 二等功
- The most able pupils are creamed off and put into special classes. 最有才华的学生被挑选出来编入特别班。
- win a first class merit citation 立一等功
- Merit Citation official says: Company commander sent ballproof clothing, after the event just knows is a cotton-padded jacket. 一等功臣说:连长发了防弹衣,事后才知道是件棉袄。
- Class, a special class that simplifies preference pages even more. 类,它是一个特殊的类,该类进一步简化了首选项页。
- The special class is made up of some giftedchildren in the art. 这个特殊班级是由一些对艺术有天赋的孩子组成的。
- One of the first batch of students, who took the order to carry out the First atomic bomb mission of airdropping and succeeded on May 14th 1965, was awarded the Top-grade Merit Citation. 于福海1965年5月14日奉命执行我国首次使用飞机空投原子弹实验(任务)并获得成功,荣立一等功。
- The parameters of stored procedures are a special class of variables. 存储过程的参数是一种特殊的变量类。
- Special Class: Visit with Nora Okja Keller followed by evening reading. 特别课程:诺娜.;凯勒平衡阅读。
- Garrison Company Which Won the First Class Merit Citation in Dongshan Battle 东山战斗守备一等功臣连
- Garrison Company Which Won the First Class Merit Citation in Dongshan Battle 东山战斗守备一等功臣连
- The most able pupil is cream off and put into special classes. 最有才华的学生被挑选出来编入特别班。
- We offer special classes in how to drive in winter conditions. 我们开设了关于在冬天条件下驾驶的特别课程。
- Another heartening news is that more than 300 civilian-university-graduate-turned officers have been chosen as pacesetters in military training and other fields, 45 of these officers have won the second class merit citations and 760 the third. 令他们振奋的信息还有,5年来先后有300多名地方大学生干部被评为军事训练等各类标兵,45人荣立二等功,760人荣立三等功。
- I'm opposed to the idea of creaming off the cleverest pupils and sending them to a special class. 我反对把最聪明的学生挑选出来,将他们送到一个特别的班级学习。
- An ancient Greek courtesan or concubine, especially one of a special class of cultivated female companions. 古希腊高等妓女古希腊的名妓或小妾,尤指受过教育的女性陪伴那一特殊阶层的成员