- In most cases, you should use a local Distributor for merge replication. 在大多数情况下,应为将本地分发服务器用于合并复制。
- For merge replication, the allocation of identity ranges has been redesigned. 对于合并复制,重新设计了标识范围的分配。
- In merge replication, a performance optimization that is used by default for filtered publications. 在合并复制中,默认情况下,用于已筛选发布的性能优化。
- Describes merge replication functionality in SQL Server Mobile and provides implementation details for an application. 介绍SQL Server Mobile中的合并复制功能,并提供有关应用程序实现的详细信息。
- Consider Adventure Works Cycles, which implements merge replication to distribute data to its remote sales force. 请考虑Adventure Works Cycles,它为把数据分发给远程销售部门而实现合并复制。
- The procedure in this topic is the first step in configuring Web synchronization for merge replication. 本主题中的过程是为合并复制配置Web同步的第一个步骤。
- The publication used by this sample is created when you install the Sales Orders Sample for Merge Replication. 此示例中使用的发布是在安装用于合并复制的销售订单示例时创建的。
- For merge replication, roll up is typically implemented through a single publication with parameterized row filters. 对于合并复制,通常通过带有参数化行筛选器的单个发布实现汇总。
- Merge replication allows various sites to work autonomously and later merge updates into a single, uniform result. 合并复制允许不同站点自主工作,并在以后将更新合并成一个统一的结果。
- Merge replication offers two different article types to address different application needs. 合并复制提供了两种不同的项目类型以满足不同的应用程序需要。
- Merge replication provides conflict detection and resolution for cases in which data conflicts are expected. 对于可能出现数据冲突的情况,合并复制提供了冲突检测和解决方法。
- Merge replication provides stored procedures to skip schema changes during troubleshooting. 合并复制提供了在排除故障期间跳过架构更改的存储过程。
- The top-level Publisher in a merge replication topology always has an explicit priority value of 100.00. 合并复制拓扑中的顶级发布服务器始终具有100.;00的显式优先级值。
- This wizard also helps you set file access permissions on folders needed for merge replication. 此向导还可以帮助您对需要进行合并复制的文件夹设置文件访问权限。
- Describes advanced features of merge replication, including conflict detection and resolution, and business logic handlers. 说明合并复制的高级功能,包括冲突检测和解决以及业务逻辑处理程序。
- Registers a business logic handler or a COM-based custom resolver that can be invoked during the merge replication synchronization process. 注册可在合并复制同步进程中调用的业务逻辑处理程序或基于COM的自定义冲突解决程序。
- For a complete list of conflict types, see the "Conflict Types" section of How Merge Replication Detects and Resolves Conflicts. 有关冲突类型的完整列表,请参阅合并复制如何检测和解决冲突中的“冲突类型”部分。
- For merge replication and transactional replication with updatable subscriptions, identity columns should be managed automatically by replication. 对于合并复制和具有可更新订阅的事务性复制,标识列应该由复制自动管理。
- For merge replication, constraint violations are treated as conflicts; they are logged, but they do not cause the Merge Agent to stop synchronizing. 对于合并复制,违反约束将视为冲突。会将其记入日志,但不会导致合并代理停止同步。
- This error is typically raised as a result of contention in merge replication system tables that have grown excessively large. 此错误通常是由增长过大的合并复制系统表中的争用所引起。