- People came to Menlo Park from far and near. 人们从四面八方前来门罗园拜访。
- Office rental rate is several times the average rate in Menlo Park. 写字楼出租率是Menlo园区平均出租率的好几倍。
- Menlo Park was in the country but while Edison was there it was never peaceful. 门罗园地处乡村,但是自从爱迪生搬到那儿,它就一刻也不得清静了。
- Edison's private life at Menlo Park did have its happy, peaceful moments. 爱迪生在门罗园的家庭生活确实也有幸福、安宁的时刻。
- Edison then built a factory for the production of his light in Menlo Park, and an electric power station in New York City. 爱迪生在门洛园建造了一家生产电灯的工厂,并在纽约市建成了一座发电站。
- Upstairs at Thomas Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory (removed to Greenfield Village) Note the organ against the back wall. 爱迪生门罗帕克(美国加利福尼亚州)实验室(移至绿地村)楼上;注意看后墙对面的风琴.
- NEA has offices in Reston, Virginia, Menlo Park, California and Baltimore, Maryland. 丰富的资源,强大的品牌和政府支持,高效的产业经营联盟,以及行之有效的整合创新模式,造就了赛伯乐在多个领域的成功投资典范。
- ROSS S.STEIN is a geophysicist with the U.S.Geological Survey's Earthquake Hazards Team in Menlo Park, Calif. 史坦是一位地球物理学家、美国地质调查所在加州门洛帕克地震灾害小组的一员。
- Thomas Edison's first lightbulb which was used in a demonstration at Menlo Park. 爱迪生第一个发明的灯泡,它被用在了门罗帕克的实例教学中.
- At last, tired of city life, Edison built a big new factory, a laboratory and several homes at Menlo Park, New Jersey. 后来,爱迪生厌倦了城市生活,就在新泽西州一个叫门罗园的地方新建了一家大工厂、一座实验室和几处住所。
- It wasn’t just the lightbulb;the Wizard of Menlo Park was the most prolific inventor in American history. 他发明的不止是电灯泡,门洛帕克的奇才是美国历史上最多产的发明家。
- The two leading information firms are BRS Information Technologies (Latham, NY) and DIALOG Information Services (Menlo Park, CA). 两个主要信息公司是BRS信息技术公司和DIALOG信息服务公司。
- Reference Bonilla, M.G., 1975, A review of recently active faults in Taiwan.United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, U.S.A., pp. 58. 洪清琳,1996,断层泥力学性质与微组构观察之研究,国立中央大学应用地质研究所硕士论文,共164页。
- No other scientist had been able to duplicate sound with a device such as the one Edison made in 1877 in his Menlo Park ,New Jersey laboratory . 没有哪个科学家,曾经能用一台象爱迪生1877年在新泽西门罗公园的实验室里用的那台设备一样的东西复制出声音。
- IOD is based in Sacramento, California with business development offices in Menlo Park, CA and manufacturing partners in Taiwan, Korea and China. IOD位于美国加州萨克拉曼多,在加州门罗-帕克设有研发机构,在台湾、韩国和中国的合作伙伴帮助进行产品加工。
- Locations OfficeTeam is headquartered in Menlo Park, CA and has more than 300 offices in North America, Europe, and Australia. 如任何机构或个人认为发布在本网页的信息侵犯其版权或有任何错误,请立即,我们会尽快做出相应处理。
- It was created by a fellow named Stuart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. 它是一个叫斯纠华特-布兰得,住在离这不远的曼罗公园的家伙创立的。他用诗一般的触觉将这份杂志带到世界。
- It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. 那是一位住在离这不远的摩洛公园的斯图尔特.;布兰德发行的,他把杂志办得很有诗意。
- Geron Corp. of Menlo Park, Calif., has launched clinical trials to see whether a telomerase inhibitor can fight lung, breast, pancreatic and other cancers. 加州的GeronCorp.;已经开始了有关端粒(酉每)抑制剂是否能抵抗肺癌、乳腺癌、胰腺癌和其他癌症的临床试验。
- In 1996 he launched DCM - Doll Capital Management, an early stage technology venture capital firm which currently has more than $1 Billion under management, headquartered in Menlo Park, California. 1996年,多尔先生在美国加州门罗帕克市联合创立DCM创业投资公司,专注于为高科技企业提供早期投资。