- Among those most bruised by the crash are the farmers of Menghai County. 在茶业崩溃中损失最为惨重的当属勐海县的农民们。
- Hanis living in Menghai County of Yunnan Province celebrate New Rice Festival every June. 每逢六月,云南省勐海县的哈尼山寨会欢庆他们的新米节。
- The industrial hemp variety "Yunma No.1" was planted experimentally successfully in 2004 in Menghai County. 摘要工业大麻品种“云麻1号”于2004年在西双版纳州勐海县试种成功。
- And here in China's temperate southwest, prosperity has come from the scrubby green tea trees that blanket the mountains of fabled Menghai County, the New York Times reported. 过去10年间,整个国家都为该地区的普洱茶而痴狂。这儿的农民买了小货车,厂商摇身一变成为了百万富翁,而中国民众则把自己的存款拿出来投在了一块块的普洱茶砖上。
- Objective The purpose of this study is to carry out computer measurement of the craniofacial organs of Bulang minority ethnic group from Menghai County in Yunnan. 目的:对云南省勐海县布朗山的布朗族人头面部器官进行全面系统地测量研究。
- Besides, from the change of the meaning of place names of Buddhism, it is proposed that Buddhism was introduced into Xinshuang Banna from Menghai County, and then spread to other areas. 文章以西双版纳傣语地名为例,论述了傣族宗教信仰对傣族地名命名的影响。
- A Study of the Tattoo among the Dai People in Menghai County 勐海傣族文身调查
- He is the best bow in the county. 他是乡下最好的射手。
- He runs a factory in that county. 他在那个国家建了一个工厂。
- He was elected sheriff of the county. 他被选为县警长。
- He has a large property in the county. 他在这个县有一大片地产。
- The soil in that county is very poor. 那个县的土壤十分贫瘠。
- This county felt the full fury of the storm. 这个县遭到暴风雨最猛烈的侵袭。
- The county boomed when gold was discovered there. 那个县在发现了黄金後便繁荣起来。
- The county town is a hundred li or so away from here. 县城离这有百儿八十里。
- Most of our county is as flat as a pancake. 我们县大部分地方非常平坦。
- The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱。
- Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county. 她快乐的个性使她成为这个郡最受欢迎的女孩。
- The county has continued planting both crops and obtained good yields. 这个县继续种植这两种作物,并取得了好收成。
- These horses were judged the best in the county. 这些马被评为全县最好的马。