- Men rs Floor Exercise Medal Ceremony 男子自由体操颁奖仪式
- Men rs Floor Exercise 男子自由体操
- Men rs Floor Exercise Final 男子自由体操决赛
- Men rs Floor Exercise Semifinal 男子自由体操半决赛
- Women rs Floor Exercise Semifinal 女子自由体操半决赛
- Women rs Floor Exercise Medal Ceremony 女子自由体操颁奖仪式
- Women rs Floor Exercise 女子自由体操
- Women rs Floor Exercise Final 女子自由体操决赛
- The general had to scant his men rs rations. 将军不得不减少士兵的口粮。
- I can recall the men rs features. 我回忆得起这个人的容貌。
- Great men rs sons seldom do well. 富不过三代。
- The individual events for men include floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and rings. 男子个人单项包括自由体操、跳马、鞍马、单杠、双杠和吊环。
- The old man rs beard fell over his chest. 这位老人的髯须垂在胸前。
- One man rs guess is as good as another rs. 猜测终究是猜测而已
- The individual events for men include floor exercise,vault,pommel horse,horizontal bar,parallel bars,and rings. 男子个人单项包括自由体操、跳马、鞍马、单杠、双杠和吊环。
- One man rs fault is other man rs lesson. 前车之鉴。
- A move in gymnastics whereby the gymnast gets off an apparatus or completes a floor exercise, typically landing on both feet. 下; 下法体操运动中的一个动作,凭借这个动作,体操运动员从鞍马上跳下或完成自由体操运动,一般是双脚落地
- It is good to learn at another man rs cost. 前车可鉴。
- A good wife health is a man rs best wealth. 妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。
- A good wife and health is a man rs best wealth. 贤妻和健康是男子的至宝。