- Men died in their hundreds. 大批的人死亡。
- That bad man died in his boots at last. 那个不法之徒最后死于非命。
- Curious sightseers rolled up in their hundreds. 数以百计的好奇的观光客都涌到那儿。
- The old man died in the street like a dog. 这个老人像狗一般死在街上。
- The man died in an accident in his twenties. 那个人在二十多岁时死于一场事故。
- The bad man died in his boots at last. 那个不法之徒最后死于非命。
- The outlaws usually die in their boots. 歹徒通常死于非命。
- He wroted a song to pay tribut to the men died in the war. 他写这首歌向在战争中捐躯的人致敬。
- They die in their youth, among male prostitutes of the shrines. 必在青年时死亡,与污秽人一样丧命。
- The badmen of the Old West usually died in their boots. 旧时美国西部受人雇佣的刺客总是不得好死。
- In Paris the heatwave left old people dying in their apartments. 在巴黎,一些老人不堪热浪在他们的公寓中死去。
- The poor man died in an accident, leaving his wife and son alone in this world. 这可怜的男人死于事故,留下孤儿寡母在这世界上飘零。
- In 1999 a German man died in a fight triggered by his ill-mannered Handy use. 1999年,一名德国男子死于一场斗殴,而起因就是他使用手机的行为不当。
- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- Defying the corrupt, inept, brutal generals who rule them, they took to the streets in their hundreds of thousands to demand democracy. 成千上万的缅甸民众走上街头要求实行民主,挑战那些统治他们的腐败无能而且残忍的将军们。
- Now winter covers this dirty country with its white coat, and bedbugs and fleas are our constant companions in their hundreds of thousands. 现在冬天为这个肮脏的国家罩上了白色的外套,无数的臭虫的跳蚤仍是我们长久的伴侣。
- Hundreds of soldiers died in this bloody battle. 成百上千的战士在这场血战中牺牲。
- In the end, all of the 118 men died in one of the worst accidents in the history of submarines. 最后,在这场潜艇史上最悲惨的意外中,一百一十八人全数罹难。
- The reasons are: First, the members of the peasant associations are everywhere spread out over the hills and dales, spear or cudgel in hand, ready to go into action in their hundreds, so that the bandits have nowhere to hide. 原因:一是农会会员漫山遍野,梭镖短棍一呼百应,土匪无处藏踪。
- The reasons are: First,the members of the peasant associations are everywhere spread out over the hills and dales,spear or cudgel in hand,ready to go into action in their hundreds,so that the bandits have nowhere to hide. 原因:一是农会会员漫山遍野,梭镖短棍一呼百应,土匪无处藏踪。