- Member state of a staatenbund 及邦联分子国
- The state of a woman during childbirth or immediately thereafter. 妇女在分娩期或紧接其后的时期内的状况
- The state of being in the charge of a guardian. 监护人的身份负有监护人的职责的状态
- Returned to other Member States as part of a cash surplus). 活动(而是作为现金盈余的一部分返还给其他成员国)。
- Objects for each state of a tree view item. 为树视图项的每种状态提供。
- permanent member state of a council 常任理事国
- Displays the completion state of a process. 显示进程的完成状态。
- France is one of the member states of the ELL. 法国是欧洲联盟成员国之一。
- Describes the designer selection state of a Glyph. 描述Glyph的设计器选择状态。
- The manoeuvring coincided with the rejection by member states of a European Commission recommendation to prolong antidumping duties against Chinese and Vietnamese footwear. 在欧盟分配职位之际,成员国拒绝了欧盟委员会对中国和越南鞋类产品延长征收反倾销关税的提议。
- Indicates the publish state of a solution. 指示解决方案的发布状态。
- Indicatesthe type or state of a breakpoint. 指示断点的类型或状态。
- The state of a link that has been clicked. 链接被单击后的状态。
- The state of a link that has been visited. 链接被访问后的状态。
- Specifies the display state of a smart tag panel. 指定智能标记面板的显示状态。
- Sets the check state of a button control. 设置按钮控件的选中状态。
- Sets the highlighting state of a button control. 设置按钮控件的加亮状态。
- The state of a note or bond being due. 票据或证券等的到期。
- EEE sold by distance is counted in the Member State of the purchaser. 在成员国的购买者,通过远程销售的电子电器产品也被计算在内。
- Get the state of a specific edger. 取得一个指定边块的单元状态。