- Reading column: What was the Meiji Restoration? 读物专栏什么是明治维新?
- Japan at the moment, as another copy of the Meiji Restoration. 此刻的日本,就像明治维新的另一个翻版。
- Banzei was later revived as banzai after the Meiji Restoration . Banzei后来恢复后作为万岁明治维新。
- The genro were men who had played a leading role in the 1868 Meiji Restoration. 在1868年明治维新时,元老扮演了主要角色。
- The Meiji Restoration in 1868 began Japan's transformation from a feudal society into a modern industrialized state. 日本由封建社会向现代工业化国家的转变是从1868年的明治维新开始的。
- Isolation till Commodore Perry appears and( indirectly) precipitates the Meiji restoration. 十八世纪美国海军准将泼莱率领舰队驶抵日本恢复对外贸易间接促成明治维新改革。
- Failure vs success: a comparison of China 's self-strengthening movement with Japan's meiji restoration. 一败一成:中国洋务运动与日本明治维新的比较。
- As early as the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese began to expend a great deal of effort on science, technology and education. 日本人从明治维新就开始注意科技,注意教育,花了很大力量。
- In this globalization era, let us learn some good lifestyle from Japanese success in Meiji Restoration. 今日的生活社会已进入世界村时代,让我们借镜日本近代化的历史与过去,提高我们的生活环境与品质。
- After the Meiji Restoration, the daimyo were converted into a pensioned nobility residing in Tokyo. 在明治维新后,原来的大名便成为定居东京领取恩俸的贵族。
- After Japanese Meiji Restoration, sends for to overseas to pursue advanced studies immediately. 日本明治维新后,立即派人到国外深造。
- After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government has implemented an open policy of gradually wear suits filed. 明治维新之后,日本政府实行开放政策,穿西服的人逐渐多起来。
- From the post-war Korea, Japan from the Meiji Restoration began after the establishment of a capitalist market economy. 韩国从战后、日本从明治维新后就开始建立资本主义市场经济体制。
- The “Meiji restoration” did not last long: a new band of oligarchs and militarists swiftly gathered real power back. 但是“明治维新”却未能持续很长时间,因为新的寡头政治家和军国主义者又迅速的掌握了实权。
- He became a symbol of Japanese nationalism since the Meiji Restoration and was utilized in propaganda for militarism. 明治维新以后,松阴被逐渐塑造为日本国家主义意识形态的理想人物,成为军国主义宣传的重要工具。
- The vacant palace reverted to the Emperor, but suffered damage during the turmoil of the Meiji Restoration. 空置宫恢复天皇,但遭到破坏在这次金融风暴中的明治维新。
- Satsuma was ruled by the Shimazu family from the end of the 12th century until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. 萨摩从12世纪末起受到岛津家族的控制,直到1868年的明治维新为止。
- The Meiji Restoration was a kind of modernization drive undertaken by the emerging Japanese bourgeoisie. As proletarians,we should,and can,do better. 明治维新是新兴资产阶级干的现代化,我们是无产阶级,应该也可能干得比他们好。
- As early as the Meiji Restoration,the Japanese began to expend a great deal of effort on science,technology and education. 日本人从明治维新就开始注意科技,注意教育,花了很大力量。
- Following the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan searched broadly for tools and innovations that would allow it to become a major power rather than a victim of Western imperialism. 1868年明治维新之后;日本广泛引进先进的工具与(技术)创新;使其由西方列强的牺牲品转变为世界大国.