- Japan took the road to militarism after the Meiji Reformation in1868. 日本自1868年的明治维新以后,走上军国主义的不归路。
- Historically, only Japan since the 1868 Meiji Reformation could match this pace of modernization. 历史上只有日本自1868年明治维新开始的高速现代化可以媲美。
- Until the Meiji Reform, the Japanese respected China as the "superior nation. 一直到明治维新,日本人都尊称中国为“上国”。
- Historically,only Japan since the 1868 Meiji Reformation could match this pace of modernization. 历史上只有日本自1868年明治维新开始的高速现代化可以媲美。
- While Japan survived the national crisis by means of the Meiji Reformation of Japan and became one of those who invaded china. 而日本则在明治维新后摆脱民族危机,走上军国主义道路,加入到侵略中国的行列。
- The Meiji Reformation provided material foundation,technological support,drive force for economic development and high quality of citizens for Japanese industrial design. 明治维新为日本工业设计提供了物质基础、技术支持、经济发展动力和高国民素质保证。
- The speed of the development was nothing short of a miracle.Historically, only Japan since the 1868 Meiji Reformation could match this pace of modernization. 历史上只有日本自1868年明治维新开始的高速现代化可以媲美。
- The Meiji Reformation of Japan took Japan into the threshold of the capital states, by which Japan became the Asian big power and wanted to vie with the Euro-American big powers. 明治维新把日本带进了资本主义国家的门槛,成了亚洲的强国,并欲与欧美列强争一高下。
- The Meiji Reform of Japan brought the country into a new historical age, and oriented its Chinese language teaching to politics. 摘要日本1868年的“明治维新”,不仅使日本进入了一个新的历史时期,也使日本的中国语教育走上了同政治挂钩的语言教学之路。
- Various concepts of non-traditional modernized right conception were widely spread in the Japanese society after Meiji Reform. 摘要明治维新时期,各种非传统的近代权利观念在日本社会产生并被大张旗鼓地宣传。
- The current theoretical concern especially in culture and nationality aspects of the West towards East Asia's rising to prominence originated in Japan after the Meiji Reformation . 西方对东亚崛起在“现代意义”上的理论关注,最初起始于明治维新后的日本,而且主要是从文化和种族的角度去加以关注的。
- Through the Meiji Reformation, Japan changed itself into the most powerful capitalist country in Asia, and took the policy of attacking, invasion, and expansion toward its Asian neighbors. 唯有同样处于封建统治之下的小国日本,却特立独行,通过明治维新,一跃成为全亚洲首屈一指的资本主义强国,并对亚洲各国采取进攻态势和侵略扩张策略。
- On the contrary, the Chinese Constitutional Reform and Modemization and the Korean Kapshin Incident which were blueprinted after the Meiji Reformation of Japan was strangled in the cradle. 而欲以日本明治维新为蓝图的中国戊戌变法和朝鲜甲申政变却扼杀于摇篮之中,中国和朝鲜因此失去了一次国家振兴的良好契机。
- After Meiji Reform, farmers still accounted for 85 percent of Japanese population. It was important for Meiji Japan to readjust the relationship between government and rural society and to realize the change from feudal appearance to modern appearance. 明治维新后的日本,仍是农业人口占全国人口85%25左右的农业社会,重新调整国家与农村社会的关系,促进封建的统治形态向近代转变,是明治政府的重要任务之一。
- the viewpoints about Meiji Reform of Japan 明治维新观
- Analysis of Japan's Meiji Reform of"Japanese Mixed Poetry" 《日本杂事诗》的明治维新解读
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- Japanese Self-Recognition in the Meiji Reform Period 明治时期日本人的自我认识
- This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform. 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。
- Innovation and Development in Japanese Painting since Meiji Reform 浅析日本明治维新后的绘画革新与发展