- Be it that you have never meet the right woman? 是不是因为你从未遇到合适的女人呢?
- Is it that you have never met the right woman? 是不是因为你从未遇到合适的女人呢?
- Meet the needs that you have 满足你的需要
- Is it that you have never met the right woman ? 是不是因为你从未遇到合适的女人呢?
- Special activity is designed in the hospital to meet the needs of subnormal. 医院为满足弱智者的需要而设计了特殊的活动。
- Think that it is by the power of your own karma that you have the good fortune to meet the dharma. 你应该思维这是由于你累世修习所积累的功德让你能有如此殊胜的因缘接触佛法。
- Do you have the need of such clinics? 请问大家对这样的诊所有需求吗?
- Viewing from phycology, intent and negligence can"t outline many activities ofhuman beings completely.But strict liability can meet the need that the rulers buffet other subjective crimes. 从心理学角度来讲,故意和过失并不能完全概括出人类丰富的内心活动,严格责任可以满足现阶段统治阶级打击其他主观形式犯罪的需要;
- Begin to give sacrificially, giving up some of your desires so that you can meet the needs of others. 开始牺牲地捐献,放弃你的一些欲望,使你能帮助其他有需要的人。
- I'm glad that you have finished the task. 我很高兴你已经完成了这项任务。
- Water heaters are sized to meet the needs of users. 热水器是按照用户需要的尺寸制造的。
- I am glad to know that you have got well. 欣悉你已康复。
- China's woollen textile industry is forging ahead to meet the needs of the country. 中国的毛纺工业正迅速发展以适应国家的需要。
- It seems that you haven't got enough sleep. 看来你睡眠不足。
- Water heater is size to meet the needs of user. 热水器是按照用户需要的尺寸制造的。
- Now that you have done that, stop blaming yourself. 既然你已经做了,就不要自责了。
- You make sure that you communicate effectively, refund monies if the buyer is truly unhappy, and try to meet the needs of the people who buy your goods or services. 你要确保你有效沟通;如果款项退还买方是真正快乐;尽量满足大多数人买你的产品或服务.
- I'd rather that you have the small one. 我宁愿你要个小的。
- Choi color, length, just meet the need to work. 彩线的颜色、长短,正好满足作品的需要。
- That is the second time that you have fouled. 那是您第二次弄脏了。