- The beach defences were softened up before the landing craft was in. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭削弱。
- Medium Landing Craft 中型登陆艇
- The beach defenses were softened up before the landing craft went in. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭到削弱。
- This landing craft is unique in the world. 这艘登陆厗,在世界上独一无二。
- Landing craft are primarily designed for offensive operations. 登陆艇是完全为攻势作战而设计的。
- The beach defenses were softenedup before the landing craft went in. 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭到削弱。
- After lunch they strolled down again to the beach. The landing craft lay high and dry far from the sea. 吃过中饭,他们又走到海滩。那条登陆艇搁浅在海滩上,海水已经退得很远很远了。
- Of the 28 troops from Bedford who left the landing craft, 22 were killed, most before they reached the sand, by murderous machine gun fire. 离开登陆艇的来自贝德福德的28个军中,有22个军被疯狂的机关枪火力歼灭,他们中的大部分在到达沙滩前就牺牲了。
- Meantime speedy salvage and relaunching of sunk or damaged landing craft would be imperative. 同时,迅速地打捞沉没或损坏的登陆艇,把它们重新送下水,也将是非办不可的。
- All ships except the submarine have landing craft attached to them. These can be used to make landing assaults. 除了潜艇,所有舰船都有登陆艇,可以登陆攻击。
- Pug got along well with Burne-Wilke, who had fully grasped the landing craft problem. 伯恩威尔克已经充分地掌握了“登陆艇”这个问题,帕格同他合作得很好。
- The Allies assembled a gargantuan naval armada, from battleships and destroyers to landing craft and coasters. 盟军组成了一支庞大的海军舰队,从战列舰、驱逐舰到登陆艇以及运输艇等。
- On Omaha Beach, American forces fight through a withering crossfire as they leave their landing craft in rough seas. 在奥马哈海滩上,当美军在汹涌的大海中离开登陆艇的时候,他们得冲过交叉火力点。
- Of the28 troops from Bedford who left the landing craft,22 were killed, most before they reached the sand, by murderous machine gun fire. 离开登陆艇的来自贝德福德的28个军中,有22个军被疯狂的机关枪火力歼灭,他们中的大部分在到达沙滩前就牺牲了。
- The U.S.Navy said, "Hartford" Kursk and "No.New Orleans" landing craft were dispatched to the Strait of Hormuz routine security mission. 美国海军方面表示,“哈特福德”号核潜艇以及“新奥尔良号”登陆舰均被派往霍尔木兹海峡执行例行安保任务。
- He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans. 他指挥一艘登陆艇参加了在进攻西西里和厄尔巴岛的战斗,之后又为南斯拉夫游击队运输补给。
- The Altair lunar landing craft is being developed to carry up to four astronauts to the moon's surface and allow them to stay there for up to a week. 牵牛星月球登陆航天器将运载5名宇航员登陆月球表面,使他们可以在月球停留一周时间。
- We are in discussions from a logistics point of view to look at seaborne aid in one form or the other, floating warehouses with landing craft, etc. 我们正从逻辑的角度上讨论水上救援的种种方法,用登陆艇安放浮在水上的仓库等。”
- medium landing ship rocket [LSMR] 中型登陆舰火箭
- When the troops aboard his landing craft splashed ashore during an allied amphibious attack at Anzio, Italy, Arness was chosen to lead the way. 有一次,盟军在意大利安齐奥发动两栖进攻,登陆艇靠岸时,阿尼斯奉命率领同袍下水抢滩。