- Medium Altitude Target System 中空目标系统
- The target system must be running a 32 bit OS. 目标系统必须运行32位的操作系统。
- After take off, the plane flies up from medium altitude to high altitude. 飞机起飞后,由中空飞向高空。
- The Target system must be running Windows XP or above. 目标系统必须运行XP或更新版本。
- Medium Altitude Communications System 中高度通信系统
- A composite guidance homing missile would receive strong ground/sea clutters when the seeker tracks down a lower altitude target. 采用复合制导体制的防空导弹,在其末制导阶段下视攻击低空目标时,主动导引头会接收到较强的地/海杂波。
- Medium Altitude Communications Satellite System 中高度通信卫星系统
- Radar network is an efficient means for countering the enemy electromagnetic interference,low altitude target intruding,antiradiation missile and stealth aircraf. 雷达组网是对抗敌方电磁干扰、低空入侵、反辐射导弹和隐身目标探测的有效手段。
- High. The Vulnerability is easy to be used to attack the target system. 高,利用该漏洞基本不需要攻击者掌握专业知识。需立刻对受影响的产品应用补丁。
- The General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.MQ-1/Predator UAV, a medium altitude, long-endurance vehicle, is the largest current generation UAV in service with the U. 通用原子航空系统公司生产的中空长航时MQ-1/“捕食者”无人机是目前在美国军事上服役的最大的当代无人机机型。
- Terrain defilade is a key factor for early warning system (EWS) in detecting low altitude targets, effective algorithm provides the foundation of operational simulation. 地形遮蔽是影响预警探测系统发现目标能力的关键因素。有效算法是实施模拟仿真的基础。
- To detect the risk factots of LBW in medium altitude (2260 m),a case-control study was conduct in Xining during 1993. 6-1994. 12. The subjects of study consisted of 147 term LBW and their parents with 147 controls. 为了研究亚高原(2260米)LBW发病原因,我们于1993年6月一1994年12月对西宁市147对对象进行一次病例对照研究。
- The concept of local immunity also suggests that the immunologic apparatus of the lung is available as a target system. 局部免疫的概念还表明,肺的免疫结构是一种靶系统。
- These are the memory usag= e on some target systems. 是在一些目标系中=340;储存器使用信息。储=;
- This package will not install these Common Controls if they do not already exist on the target system. 如果目标系统中尚未存在这两个公共控件,则本程序包不会安装它们。
- A new algorithm for NLOS(Non-Line-Of-Sight) passive acoustic localization of low altitude targets is presented. 该文提出了一种用于低空声源目标超视距被动声定位的新算法。
- This practice should help ensure that the executable module is compatible with the architecture of the target system. 这条经验能够保证可执行模块与目标系统的架构兼容。
- Once this is all in place, you should have a CF card that will simply boot and come up on your target system. 一旦这些都设置好了之后,您就应该有了一个完全能在您的目标系统上引导和运行的CF卡。
- Is it acceptable to have multiple users mapped to the same user ID on a target system? 您是否可以将多个用户映射到目标系统中的同一个用户ID上?
- Medium Altitude Clear Air Turbulence 中空晴空湍流