- Medical law majors 医事法学专业
- CARL WELLMAN,MEDICAL LAW AND MORAL RIGHTS,Springer 2005. 查士丁尼,法学总论,商务印书馆1987年;
- In Moscow the university learns law major when the Mikhail Gorbachev is young. 戈尔巴乔夫年轻时在莫斯科大学学法学专业.
- She was a law major and studied two-year Chinese in Sichuan University in Chengdu coincidently. 法律专业毕业的她会说中文,居然还是在四川大学学的。
- He is a professor of medical law in Edinburgh, an international authority on genetics and an advisor to the United Nations' Unesco body and the government on bioethics. 他是英国爱丁堡大学医学法律教授、国际遗传学领域的权威,同时他还担任联合国教科文组织和政府生物遗传学方面的顾问。
- The patient is the center of the medical treatment.This idea,which disintegrates traditional paternalism,is emphatically taught in the course of medical law. 在医事法学课程的教学中不断强调病人是医疗中心的这一观念正瓦解着传统的医疗父权。
- The establishment of medical law standard should put ethic and moral into good order,encourage medical law-making for the adjustment of doetors actions. 医事法律规范的创制应该整合伦理和道德的基本规范,鼓励医事立法对医生行为的调整,着眼于医生行为逐步向“善”,逐步符合公平、公正、自由平等的伦理精神和各项道德原则;
- The law major in common college should be focused on law applying people, which needs to introduce and popularize the clinic education and practical teaching modes and methods. 一般院校的法学教育应定位于培养大量应用性法律人才,这就要求引进和推广诊所式教育等实践性极强的教学模式和方法。
- World Association of Medical Law; 世界医疗法协会;
- On the Anglo-American System of the Medical Law 论英美医事法立法体系
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- On How to Apply the Transfer of Learning in the Teaching of Law Majors 学习迁移理论在法律专业教学中的应用
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- Make Full Use of Our Teaching Resources to Turn out Bilingual Law Majors 发挥教学资源优势培养双语法律人才
- He is a member of the medical fraternity. 他在医务界工作。
- Medical tests showed that he was sterile. 医学检查表明他没有生育能力。
- The Thought of the Construction in High Vocational Law Major 关于高职院校法律专业建设的思考
- He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- He was engaged in medical research. 他从事于医学的研究。
- All the workers get free medical care. 所有工人都有公费医疗。