- Medical Humanities Concern 人文关怀
- It reveals the importance of the medical humanities. 医学与人文之间存在著很大的鸿沟吗?
- News reports should embody rationalism and demonstrate human concern. 摘要构建和谐传媒,需要营造和谐的新闻传播生态。
- No one can scan the entire horizon of human concern with the eye of a god. 没有人能够以神灵的眼光审视人类所关注的全部问题。
- The humanities concern of China have deep traditional roots,it has permeated a lot of domains. 中国的人文关怀有着深厚的传统根基,已经渗透到各个领域。
- Dialectically looking that, the Chinese Buddhism"s humanities concern also has its worse results . 辨证地看,中国佛教的人文关怀也有其局限性。
- Conclusions Using the humanities concern idea in the nursing of hepatitis B patients, may alleviate the patient inferiority complex. 结论运用人文关怀理念做好乙型肝炎病人的护理,可缓解病人自卑心理。
- Medical humanities relates to, but is not identical with, the art of medicine, for which nowadays we often use the word “doctoring. 医学人文与医药艺术,也就是我们现在常说的“医疗”息息相关,但也不完全等同。
- While we do, or should, teach bioethics content in some depth, medical humanities folks often recluse themselves from bioethics as such. 我们所做的,或者应该做的,是教授有一定深度的生物伦理学,而医学人文学者总是这样那样的不去接触生物伦理学。
- With these discussion, I expecting that students could unawares learn the literary real、virtue and beauty, raise selves human concern. 期待藉由这些讨论,让学生在潜移默化中领悟到文学的真、善、美,进而提升自我的人文关怀。
- We base our claim for the importance of medical humanities on the assumption that our teaching contributes significantly to the development of doctoring skills. 我们宣称医学人文的重要性是建立在我们的教学能极大促进医疗技术进步的条件上的。
- Much thought and assumption, then, must lie half-hidden beneath our explicit beliefs about morality, science, politics, religion, and the other great topics of human concern. 由此可见,在关于道德、科学、政治、 宗教以及其他重大人生问题的信念背后,肯定存在着许多半隐半现的思想和假设。
- Those who work in bioethics and the medical humanities come from many different backgrounds, such as health care, philosophy, law, the social sciences, and religious studies. 在生物伦理学方面工作的那些人和医学人文来自很多不同的背景, 例如保健,哲学,法律,社会科学和宗教研究。
- It transcended site to speak to universal human concerns. 它超越了场所的局限,表达了人类共同的心声。
- The lesson of medical humanities ultimately relates to respect for others’ views, but formalizing that runs the risk of excluding people from that lesson-plan. 医学人文课程最终涉及对他人意见的尊重,而非阐述那些有可能使学生退课风险的概念。
- Fusing the disaster alleviation idea into the urbanization and setting up defenses against earthquake and other disasters will make the towns filled with human concern. 这就必然要将减灾概念融入城镇建设当中,对可能发生的地震等灾害进行设防,建设充满人文关怀的小城镇。
- Syllabi in medical humanities from a number of institutions are posted at our syllabus site and there are also links to syllabi at our Medhum Community site. 教学大纲 中医学人文从一些机构正在张贴在我们的课程网站,也有联系的教学大纲我们Medhum社区网站。
- However, while gregarious website is popular, the security that the platform of this new human concern also gives an individual information brought not little hidden trouble. 然而,在社交网站流行的同时,这个新鲜的人际关系的平台也给个人信息的安全带来了不小隐患。
- Much thought and assumption, then, must lie half-hidden beneath our explicit beliefs about morality, science, politics, religion, and the other great topics of human concern . 由此可见,在关于道德、科学、政治、宗教以及其他重大人生问题的信念背后,肯定存在着许多半隐半现的思想和假设。
- Especially, defining the weak in weak group shows the default of the idea of human rights, so it is difficult to give human concern for the weak and put the idea into practice. 尤其以弱势群体来称谓或定义弱者概念,表明以往弱者人权思想均存在一些欠缺,难于把弱者人权保护落实到对弱者个体的人文关怀。