- Mechanical Wheeled Vehicle 机械轮式车辆
- A small wheeled vehicle typically pushed by hand. 一种通常用手推动的小型带轮车辆.
- A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design. 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧
- A tracked or wheeled vehicle that can operate both on land and in water. 水陆两用车。
- A wheeled vehicle,especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle,often of an elegant design. 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧。
- Tidal waves move faster than any wheeled vehicle on earth. On the open seas they sometimes approach speeds of more than 500 nautical miles per hour. 海浪运动的速度超过地球上的任何车辆。在公海上海浪的时速有时可接近500海里。
- A wheeled vehicle,especially a four - wheeled horse - drawn passenger vehicle,often of an elegant design. 四轮马车带轮子的车辆,尤指马拉的四轮客车,常设计得很精巧
- A small three - wheeled vehicle having a seat,pedals,and handlebars in front for the operator and a usually hooded cab in back for passengers. 人力三轮车一种前面有为操作者设的座位、脚踏板和把手且后面通常有为乘客而设的带罩乘座的小三轮车
- A wheeled vehicle to be fitted with common rubber-tire does not adapt to the desert area because of wheel slip sinkage. 摘要装用普通充气弹性轮胎的轮式车辆在沙地上行驶时,由于车轮滑转下陷,使车辆难以通过。
- It was a steam powered, three wheeled vehicle with a top speed of six kilometers per hour that was built in the French Arsenal for the purpose of moving cannons. 它是蒸汽动力,三轮式车辆最高时速达每小时六公里处,建于法国武库为了移动火炮。
- DVE TWV, with electronic pan and tilt modules, for tactical wheeled vehicles. 装有电子云台用于战术轮式车辆的DVE TWV;
- Tracked vehicles, by design, are inherently more compact than wheeled vehicles. 从设计上来看履带车辆比轮式车辆要更紧凑。
- The Design of the Intelligent CTIS of a Certain Wheel Vehicle[A]Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Test and Measurement(Volume 1)[C], 2003 . 张闯;杨庆新;刘福贵;颜威利.;车载电子指南系统的设计[A]电工理论与新技术学术年会论文集[C];2005
- We have changed our view after seeing that wheeled vehicles could be just as good...in combat or peacetime operations. 在看过那个有轮子的交通工具用在战斗或作为和平的交易不错后我们已经改观。
- "Our goal and what we're working towards is that no wheeled vehicle that leaves Kuwait going into Iraq is driven by a solder that does not have some level of armored protection on it," he said. 他说:“我们的目标和努力方向是,任何一名军人驾驶的、离开科威特前往伊拉克的车辆,都不能没有某种程度的装甲防护。”
- A steel bar used,usually in pairs,as a track for railroad cars or other wheeled vehicles. 铁轨,钢轨用作火车车厢或其它有轮车辆的轨道的钢轨,通常成对使用
- A steel bar used, usually in pairs, as a track for railroad cars or other wheeled vehicles. 铁轨,钢轨:用作火车车厢或其它有轮车辆的轨道的钢轨,通常成对使用。
- A single rail serving as a track for wheeled vehicles traveling on it or suspended from it. 单轨使带轮交通工具在上面行进或暂停的单一轨道
- Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude? 这台设备测定了其机械适应性了吗?
- The result indicated that the converter could meet the requirements of brake systems on wheeled vehicles. 研究结果表明,双液动力转换器能够满足轮式工程车辆对制动系统的要求。