- New part measurement and testing. 新零件的测量和试验工作。
- Advanced Measurement and Testing in Mechanical Eng ? 机械制造中的现代测试技术
- Manage and maintain equipments for inspection, measurement and testing. 负责检验、测量、实验设备的管理与维护;
- Control the measuring and test equipment. 管理测量和测试设备;
- Measuring and Testing Technology of Geotechnical Engineering. 岩土工程测试与检测技术。
- Processing, measuring and testing equipments are selfcontained. 加工、计量和检测设备齐全。
- Volkswagen Autoeuropa WORK PERFORMED: Outsourcing contract for metrology services (callibration of measurement and testing equipment and instruments). 大众所做工作:计量服务外包合同(测量、测试设备及仪器的标定)。
- CG SERIES is able to perform resistance measurement and testing of ground continuity of electrical equipment as established by safety. 可随意设定测定电流。连续测试或一般测试。
- Be in charge of research of heavy current measurement and test technology. Be in charge of training of young professional talents. 负责大电流计量技术、测试技术等重大课题研究及本专业中青年科技人才的培训、培养工作。
- Be in charge of research of high voltage and heavy current measurement and test technology. Be in charge of training of young professional talents. 负责高电压大电流计量技术、测试技术研究及培养本专业青年科技人才。
- With VATE, The method of building ATS can be ameliorated, which can act for a new development tendency of measurement and test. 本文实现的系统改进了自动测试系统的组建方式,代表了测试领域的一个发展趋势。
- For example the infrastructure of the technical center consists of engine dyno, chassis dyno, emission measurement and state-of-the-art product development and testing tools etc. 该技术中心拥有发动机动态测量系统、底盘动态测量系统、排放测量及尖端产品开发和测量工具等先进的博世设备,着力于燃油喷射系统的匹配,是博世柴油系统在中国的研发基地。
- The complete measurement equipments ensured the reliability of imput product, processing product, and final product at the inspection, measurement and testing. 拥有化验、金相、硬度、齿形、齿向、综合检测仪器20余台,保证了进货过程和最终产品检验、测量实验的可靠性。
- Application: Computer network project, Electronic instruments, Armarium, Research institute, Measurement and Test board, etc. 用于院校、工矿企业、邮电通讯、铁道运输、医疗设备、计量检测、银行系统、精密仪器、检测设备等。
- Chigo Group has invested large amount to establish advanced reliability labs.Its Measurement and Testing Lab has been certified by Lab National Certification Committee. 自创建至今,志高专心专注、精益求精于空调领域,始终坚持“以质量求生存、以科技求效益,以品牌促发展”的经营理念,一贯注重科技创新,是“全国高新技术产业化示范企业”。
- Based on in-situ measurement and test,the treatment effect is assessed in terms of settlement, degree of consolidation and soil strength. 根据现场监测结果,从地基最终沉降、固结度和强度等方面对该工程的地基处理效果进行了评价。
- Two ISO standards and three GB standards of medical Lab are introduced.It is suggested that the work of medical measurement and test of our country. 介绍了两项关于医学实验室的国际标准、三项关于医学实验室的国家标准,对我国医学计量检测工作提出了建议。
- The infrastructure of the Technical Center consists of engine dyno,chassis dyno,emission measurement and state-of-the-art product development and testing tools etc. 该技术中心拥有发动机动态测量系统底盘动态测量系统排放测量及尖端产品开发和测量工具等先进的博世设备着力于燃油喷射系统的匹配是博世柴油系统在中国的研发基地。
- He demonstrated the principles with chemicals and test tubes. 他借助化学药品和试管讲解了这些原理。
- This set of ATE accomplishes online measurement and test for the space net-load automatically, and provides various reliable data to test the functions of the space net-load. 这套自动测试设备实现了对空间有效载荷的在线自动测试 ,为检验空间有效载荷的功能提供了可靠的依据