- By means of transfer matrix method, we study the photonic bandgap properties of photonic crystals with two defects. 摘要用特征矩阵法研究了带有双缺陷的一维光子晶体的禁带结构特性。
- The foreign-invested enterprises that obtain the land use right by means of transfer or lease modes will no longer pay the site using fees. 十六、外商投资企业以出让、租赁等有偿方式取得土地使用权的,不再另行交纳场地使用费。
- By means of transfer matrix method,we calculate the transmission,reflectivity and field distribution through one-dimensional photonic crystal. 利用传输矩阵的方法,计算了电磁波通过一维光子晶体的透射系数、反射系数和场分布。
- Except for cases in which the State permits the use of cash to fulfil obligations, settlements must be made by means of transfer of bank accounts or bills. 除国家允许使用现金履行义务的以外,必须通过银行转帐或者票据结算。
- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。
- By means of pin-on-disc wear test and reciprocating wear test, the effect of transfer layers on wear resistance of lubricating coatings, such as GLC coating, can be studied . 球盘磨损和往复磨损的主要特点是其测试GLC等减摩镀层时,可以考察摩擦配副上转移膜的作用;
- The train is a safe means of transportation. 火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。
- Automation by means of computers. 借助计算机而实现自动化。
- They succeeded by means of hard working. 他们依靠努力工作而获得成功。
- Based on the same number of transfer units, the mass transfer rate in the counter-current flow arrangement is the largest, and the enhancement of mass transfer by means of the ultrafiltration flux in the co-current flow system is the highest. 在相同之传送单元数下,以逆流流动方式者之质传速率为最大,而超过滤速对质传速率之提升则以顺流流动方式者中最为明显。
- He succeeded by means of perseverance. 他是通过坚持成功的。
- Please find alternative means of transport. 请另外找一个运输方法。
- We express our thought by means of words. 我们用词句来表达思想。
- I'll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer. 我要找律师拟一份让据书。
- A means of one-way transmission. 单向传输的一种手段。
- There are human gurus to this day that utilize combustion as a means of transferring or burying karma. 直到今天,还有着利用燃烧来转移或埋葬业力的人类古鲁。
- Okay. I will begin the rite of transfer. 好的。我现在开始缔约仪式了。
- They succeeded by means of perseverance. 他们依靠坚忍不拔而获得成功。
- Detail of transfer line valve configuration. 传输管系统阀门配置详图。
- Fire provided a means of smelting ores. 火提供了熔炼矿石的手段。