- Mean seed set 结籽率
- The remaining 128 suffered some degree of lowered seed set. 剩下的128株,种子产量有不同程度的减少。
- Backcross with c ommon wheat had completely no seed set. 用普通小麦回交,未获得回交后代。
- The results show that paclobutrazol and B9 improved seed set and increased the flowers in next year. 结果表明,多效唑和B9能够明显提高坐果率,有效增加来年成花数量。
- Cytogenetical comparison was made between high seed set restorers TP-4 and D minghui63 and eminent maintainer line D46B of autotetraploid rice. 以高结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系TP-4和D明恢63及优良保持系D46B为材料进行细胞遗传学研究。
- There was a great direct positive effect of grains per panicle on seed set in IJv hybrids.The increase of seed set of IJv hybrids mainly depended on more grains per panicle. 每穗实粒数对籼爪交杂种结实率的直接正效应大,籼爪交杂种结实率的提高主要依赖每穗实粒数的增加,而其它性状的选择和改良作用不大。
- The mean seed number per pod was 2.94 seeds and 2.4 to 2.64 seeds in the narrow and broad leaf varieties (lines), respectively. 圆叶品系以三、二粒荚为主,平均荚粒数2.;40-2
- The Pearson's correlation analysis shows that seed set is contributed by three main parts: normal embryo sac, small embryo sac with normal pattern and embryo sac with antipodal proliferation. 相关分析表明,同源四倍体水稻结实主要来自3部分:正常胚囊、正常型小胚囊和反足细胞增殖型胚囊。
- The one thousand seed weight was 201.66g,and mean seed weight w as 0.20g, accounting for 61% of the total seed weight of the arbor, and the per c entage of empty seeds reached 8.1%. 掌叶木种子千粒重为 2 0 1 .;66g;种子的平均重量为 0
- The Quantities of Seed Setting in Fenced and Freely Grazed Areas in Stipa baicalensis Steppe, Inner Mongolia. 贝加尔针茅草原围栏封育和自由放牧条件下植物结实数量的研究。
- The panicle seed setting rate is mainly confined by secondary branch seed setting rate, and they have significantly positive correlation. 结实率主要受控于二次枝梗结实特性,育种上要从结实率角度挖掘水稻的增产潜力,就要着重考虑选育二次枝梗结实率高进而结实率高的品种。
- The low seed setting percentage is the most important reason that limits the application of the autotetraploid rice. 同源四倍体水稻结实率偏低是影响其在育种中直接应用的重要原因。
- The 1 000-grain weight and seed setting rate improved with the increase of diammonium phosphate. 增加磷酸二铵的施用量,水稻的千粒重和结实率也随之提高。
- Meanwhile the genotype with more grain number was also physiologically based on higher seed setting rate. 同时大穗多粒基因型也以较高的可孕小花结实率为生理基础。
- The comprehensive factors resulting in the low seed setting rate of wide rice in Gaozhou were discussed in this paper. 本文对导致结实率偏低的综合因素进行了讨论。
- Abstract: Two ecotypes of Eulaliopsis binata were used as materials to investigate the relationship between seed setting and apomictic traits. 摘 要 :以两种生态型无融合生殖龙须草为材料,经去雄套袋、去掉柱头及相互杂交等处理,比较几种方式下的结实率。
- As a result of the revolutionary wine colour originates the rind , but the astringent flavor is the flavor that the seed sets free outD. 因红酒的颜色来自果皮,而涩味则是种子所释放出来的味道。
- Do you mean say we are met for a thunder storm? 你肯定我们会遇到一场雷雨?
- The outcrossed seed setting rate was high at 48.8% in its multiplication plots and 54.1% in its hybrid seed production plots. 异交结实率较高,繁种田结实率为48.;8%25,繁制种产量高;
- I feel mean for not doing more for my son. 我对没为我儿子多做点事而感到惭愧。