- Mr Adams carries the world before him. 亚当斯先生一举大获成功。
- The gamblers fleeced Adams of all his money. 那些赌棍把亚当斯的钱都诈骗光了。
- How long has Alice been going with Adam? 艾丽斯和亚当交了多少时候朋友了?
- Ever since Adam fool have been in the majority. 自亚当以来,一直就是蠢才占多数。
- Ever since Adam fools have been in the majority. 自亚当以来,一直就是蠢才占多数。
- Mr Adams was ill, so someone else was seconded to do his work. 亚当斯先生病了,因此另外派了个人做他的工作。
- According to the Bible, Adam was the first man. 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。
- Adam Smith is a famous shoemaker in town. 亚当·史密斯是镇上有名的鞋匠。
- Adam won't allow anyone to chisel in on his profits. 亚当不允许任何人染指他的利益。
- After a refreshing nap, Mr Adams was again his own man. 亚当斯先生睡了个好午觉,又恢复了精神。
- They played against OJ Mayo and all those kids. 他们跟OJ梅奥这样的对手较量过了。”
- The Widow Mayo owned the house and store. 寡居的梅奥是这栋房屋和店铺的主人。
- Disconnect retractor wire harness connector. 断开皮带卷收器线束接头。
- Eve was cutting the grass, and meanwhile Adam was planting roses. 夏娃在剪草,亚当种玫瑰。
- A weighted retractor is in the vaginal cavity. **内有一个加了重量的牵引器。
- Mayo itself is just 40 miles east in Rochester. 玛雅本部位于罗切斯特东部仅40公里。
- "A shadow suddenly appeared on Mayo's face. 真夜脸上突然覆盖上一片阴影。
- Mayo held her head and crouched down. 真夜捧着头,蹲了下去。
- OJ Mayo is equal parts ice and fire. 梅奥是冰和火的混合体。
- Last month, O.J. Mayo declared for the NBA Draft. 上个月,O.;J