- You ought to have Bill look at your TV. Maybe he could fix it. 你应该请比尔给你检查一下电视机,也许他能把它修好。
- You ought to have Bill look at your radio. Maybe he could fix it. 你应该请比尔给你检查一下收音机,也许他能把它修好。
- Maybe he could fix it. 也许他能把它修好。
- You ought to have Bill look at your TV.Maybe he could fix it. 你应该让比尔看看你的电视。他可能会修理。
- Maybe he could get it with his paw. 也许它可以用爪子抓住它。
- I could fix it up with Geoffrey. 我可以和杰弗里商量一下,把这事安排好。
- I asked him if he could fix it. 我问(过)他是否会修理它。
- Maybe he could put in his two cents. 也许他能说得上话。
- Maybe he could get away with giving Teresa just two hundred of it, and fifty if she made a stink. 也许他可以给黛丽莎二百块,如果她叫嚷,就给她再加五十块。
- Emm, he mended mine yesterday.So maybe he could help you tomorrow! 恩,......他昨天修了我的,所以也许明天能帮你修。
- Biggest mistake. If you could fix it, whatever it was, what would it be? 如果能从头再来,你一生中最大的错误是什么?
- Frank thought that with a few thousand dollars he could fix Annie up for life. 弗兰克认为花几千块钱他就可以安排安妮过一辈子了。
- 876. You ought to have Bill lookat your TV.Maybe he could fix it. 你应该让比尔看看你的电视.;他可能会修理
- B:Emm, he mended mine yesterday.So maybe he could help you tomorrow! 恩,......他昨天修了我的,所以也许明天能帮你修。
- Maybe he could play a caveman next and spear apples from over people’s heads! 下次他也许可以扮一个穴居野人,用梭镖刺人们头上 顶着的 苹果!
- No, if it was a paper jam I could fix it in a jiffy! But I think it`s something a bit more serious. 不.;如果是卡纸
- Maybe he really should do more exercises from now on. Anyway, I hope he could get over soon. 或许从现在起他真的应当更多地锻炼身体,无论如何我希望他能早日康复。
- Maybe he could make a less rough manoeuvre, but on one fact on any episode, there may be different views. 也许他可以做得更技巧一点,但是对同一件事人们的看法不尽相同。
- School, I face a painful when oncoming happened mother, he could fix my kind, dumbfounding. 放学时,我一面痛苦的表情,出校门时,正好碰上迎面而来的妈妈,他看我那狼狈样,哭笑不得。
- I bought a run-down farm house and plan to fix it up. 我买了一间破败的农舍,打算整修整修。