- Maximum business value 企业价值最大化
- Business value generally comes from using software? 软件的业务价值来自哪里?
- Catch maximum business opportunity in the field mindfully. 在行业领域内,最大限度的去争取业务机会;
- Changes with no business value simply eat up resources with little reward. 无业务价值的的变更只是消耗资源,几乎没有回报。
- Effectively manage and repurpose content to gain increased business value. 有效地管理和重用内容,提高业务价值。
- Extreme Programming focuses on delivering business value in every iteration. 极端编程在每一个迭代都关注于提供商业价值。
- Their contradiction is to some extent a yardstick to measure gap between maximum business interests and maximum social welfare. 二者的矛盾也在一定程度上测量出了企业利益最大化与社会福利最大化的距离。
- However, appraising the business value of a property-casualty insurance company is a decidedly imprecise process. 只是要评估一家产物意外险公司的价值就没有办法那么明确了,
- In many cases, a corporation's book value and business value are almost totally unrelated. 在许多情况下一家公司的帐面与其实际价值一点关连都没有,
- IBM remains dedicated to helping its clients employ standards that increase business value. IBM仍然致力于帮助客户使用提升业务价值的标准。
- So, the portal architecture frees up application developers to concentrate on building new business value. 所以,门户体系结构使应用程序开发人员能够脱身出来专注于构建新的业务价值。
- The main goal is to deliver business value within the agreed upon schedule and budget. 其主要目标是在议定的时间表和预算内交付业务价值。
- First, the team releases running, tested software, delivering business value chosen by the Customer, every iteration. 第一,团队在每一个迭代发布可以运行的,测试过的软件系统,提供客户选择的商业价值。
- An individual who expects to gain a business value from the solution. Also, the recipient of a service or product. 希望从解决方案中获得业务价值的个体。也是服务或产品的接收者。
- The creation of business value requires the successful integration of these issues with the potential of IT. 商业价值的创造要求成功地将这些问题与资讯技术的潜力结合起来。
- Achieve business value at the same time, the value of their own talents has been sublimated. 在企业价值实现的同时,人才自身的价值也得到了升华。
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值
- Shell pearl has no business value, but it is very good as decoration. So you can buy some for party. That will be good and the price is cheap. 贝珠没有商业价值,但是作为装饰品,仍然可买,价钱不高,戴着去参加一些聚会,优人的感觉仍然很好。
- Do you need to change the features implemented so far, and what additional features need to be implemented to add business value? 你需要改变已经实现的特性吗?还有哪些特性需要被实现以增加业务价值?
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。