- Maximum sustainable income 最大持续利润
- Does the NGO have any sustainable income? 是否有任何的可持续收入?
- The harvest of wild species in the oceans and fresh waters of the earth appears to be approaching its maximum sustainable limit. 对地球上海洋和淡水中野生种的捕捞看来已达到其可维持的极限。
- One approach to deduce the maximum long-term yield is known as the maximum sustainable yield, or MSY approach. 长期收获最大产量的一种方法是最大持续产量即MSY法。
- Their analysis suggests that fishing a little below this level is the most efficient way of ensuring a sustainable income. 他们的分析表明,稍微低于这一标准的捕捞是确保可持续经济收益的最有效的办法。
- Main published work included length frequency analysis, virtual population analysis, production models, and maximum sustainable yield of Qatari fishery. 主要研究成果包括体长分析,世代分析方法,产量模型和卡塔尔国渔业的最大持续产量。
- For each river and tributary, scientists would calculate the maximum sustainable allocations of water and states would make sure that extractions did not exceed that figure. 对于每一条河流和支流,科学家都会计算出最大的可持续水配给量,各州需要保证它们的实际提取不超过该数值。
- Maximum sustainable yield theory is important and has been widely used in agriculture, forestry, fishery, pest control and biological resources protection. 最大持续产量原理在农业林业、渔业、有害生物防治、生物资源保护等方面有着广泛的应用。
- It is more effective when beneficiaries of land reform have had prior experience in land and agricultural enterprise management and when they have the capacity to generate sustainable income. 如果土地改革的受益人具有土地和农业企业管理的经验,并能够创造可持续的收入,那么,土地改革会更加有效。
- Abstract: This paper holds that the capacity for securing a sustainable income (CSI) is the key issue to decide whether the farmers in the western poverty areas will replant or not. 文章摘要: 可持续收入能力是西部贫困地区退耕还林农户返耕决策的关键。而可持续收入能力又可以表征为收入水平、途径和结构。以及决定其实现的各种条件。
- For different recruitment-fishing types, the methods for estimate of maximum sustainable yield (MSY or Y_S) and maximum sustainable catches (C_S) using recruitment curve parameters are different. 对于不同的补充-捕捞类型,用补充曲线参数估算最大持续渔获数(CS)和最大持续渔获量(MSY或YS)的方法是不同的。
- That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels. 这点之所以很重要是因为理论指出,一个渔场若能够获得最高持续产量,只有当目标物种的生物量是原来水平的50%25时才能实现。
- That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels. 因为理论,所以那有关系当目标种的生物量是有关50%25的它最初的水平事时候,可能从一个渔场被收割的最大足可支撑的生产量来。
- In particular, these activities must not constrain the exercise of monetary policy as needed to meet our congressional mandate to foster maximum sustainable employment and stable prices. 特别是,这些活动不得妨碍行使货币政策,尤其正当国会指出我们要最大限度的促进可持续就业及保持物价稳定这一时期。
- Trophy hunting also occurs, and commercial management of wildlife has been introduced to gain sustained income from this resource. 另外,还出现了竞技狩猎,并对野生生物引入了商业化管理,以便从这一资源获取持续收入。
- The intensity is given in terms of the maximum sustained wind speed near the centre of a tropical cyclone. 强度以接近热带气旋中心的最高持续风速来表达。
- The turn is not a maximum sustained rate turn, which is a turn that maintains airspeed. 这个转向并不是最大稳定速率下的转弯,即保持空速前提下的转向。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- Impact of Education on Sustainable Income Growth of Chinese Farmers 教育对我国农民收入持续增长的影响研究
- The system, which had maximum sustained wind near 35 mph, would be named Alberto if it reaches the 39 mph threshold for a tropical storm. 此次飓风的最大风速已接近时速35米,当它达到时速39米时将被命名为Alberto做为此季热带风暴的开端。