- Mauritia depressan. 扁缘绶贝
- Plantago depressa var. montata Kitag. 毛平车前
- Var. depressa (Ser.) Hara Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.Var. microcarpa (Naud. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.
- Cultivated varieties of Iuffa spp. can be divided into 3 species: (1) Luffa depressa, (2) L. cylindrica, (3) L. acutangula. 摘要台湾丝瓜栽培品种目前可区分为三种:(1)台湾短丝瓜,(2)普通丝瓜,(3)稜角丝瓜。
- L. depressa or L. cylindrica and L. acutangula have well-differentiated morphological characters.They differ in floral structure, time of anthesis, fruit and seed structures. 台湾短丝瓜、普通丝瓜和稜角丝瓜,在花器构造、开花时间、果实及种子形态上均有极大的差别。
- Gastrolina depressa thoracica eats specially leaves of Juglans mandshurica and happens 1 generation per year in Liaoning province, and lives through the winter in litters in the forms of imagoes. 核桃楸扁叶甲专食核桃楸树叶片,在辽宁省1年发生1代,以成虫在地被物中越冬。
- The characters and inheritances of L. depressa and L. cylindrica are quite similar except fruit shape and fruit size, so it may say L. depressa is a natural cross variety of L. cylindrica. 其中台湾短丝瓜与普通丝瓜,除果实大小,长短略有差别外,其余各性状及后代遗传性状之表现大致相同,推测台湾短丝瓜可能为普通丝瓜之变种或品系间天然杂交种。
- Spodoptera mauritia nuclear polyhedrosis virus 禾灰翅夜蛾(白菜褐夜蛾)核型多角体病毒
- Trachelomonas stokesiana var. depressan. 肋纹囊裸藻扁平变种
- Bulbochaete intermedia var. depressan. 中型毛鞘藻扁孢变种
- Bionomics and Control of Spodoptera mauritia Baisduval Harming Bermuda Grass Turf 狗牙根草坪害虫灰翅夜蛾生物学及防治
- Developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Gastrolina depressa 核桃扁叶甲的发育起点温度和有效积温
- A revision of the taxonomic status of three subspecies of Gastrolina depressa Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) 核桃扁叶甲三亚种的分类地位订正(鞘翅目:叶甲科,叶甲亚科)
- Spodoptera mauritian. 灰翅夜蛾
- Mauritia mappan. 图纹绶贝
- Mauritia arabica 阿拉伯绶贝
- Mauritia arabica (L.) 阿拉伯绶贝
- Mauritia scurran. 网纹绶贝
- Mauritia eglantinan. 花枕绶贝
- Mauritia mauritianan. 绶贝