- A unit of currency in Mauritania. 库姆斯毛里塔尼亚钱币单位
- Mauritania becomes independent of France. 1960年,毛利塔尼亚脱离法国独立。
- A basic unit of currency in Mauritania. 乌吉亚毛里塔尼亚的货币基本单位
- Nor does Mauritania feel obliged to keep them. 茅利塔尼亚也不觉得有收留他们的义务。
- He will also visit Libya and Mauritania. 他还将访问利比亚和毛利塔尼亚。
- This photo was taken off the coast of Mauritania in Vest Africa. 翻译成中文这个相片包含注释。请移动鼠标至相片上方阅读。
- Aziz toppled Mauritanian's first freely-elected leader 11 months ago. 阿齐兹11个月前推翻了毛里塔尼亚第一位通过自由选举产生的领导人。
- Nouakchott is the capital of Mauritania, and it's also the largest city. 努瓦克肖特是毛里塔尼亚的首都,同时也是其最大的城市。
- Yeah ,so many females of Mauritania have racked their brain to fat themselves. 是的,很多毛里塔尼亚女性绞尽脑汁,采取各种办法增加自己的体重。
- Camel-borne travelers are guided across the Mauritanian desert along old caravan routes. 骑在骆驼背上的旅人在向导的带领下沿古老的商路穿越毛里塔尼亚。
- If Chris Leggett did break Mauritanian law, then it was an unjust law that he broke. 如果克里斯莱格特并打破毛里塔尼亚法律,那麽这是一个不公正的法律,他打破。
- Pray that government officials will work together to serve the Mauritanian people. 祷告该国官员同心为全国百姓谋福祉。
- On February 11, the trawler was towed into Nouadhibou,a northern Mauritanian fishing port. 2月11日,拖网船被拖到茅利塔尼亚北部的渔港诺瓦迪布。
- Mauritanian troops staged a military coup early Wednesday and detained the President Abdallahi and PM El-Ouakef. 毛里塔尼亚8月6日发生军事政变,总统阿卜杜拉希和总理瓦格夫被扣押。
- Sudan and Mauritania pave the way for deeper and long lasting friendship as their foreign ministers sign nine memos of understanding. 苏丹和茅利塔尼亚外交部长共同签署了九项备忘录,为他们深远而持久的友谊铺路。
- Mr. Negroponte leaves Sudan for Chad Monday. He will also visit Libya and Mauritania. 于周一离开苏丹前往乍得,他还将访问利比亚和毛利塔利亚。
- Finally, the coastline process near the sea region of Mauritania Friendship Harbor are calculated as verified example. 并对毛里塔尼亚友谊港附近海区、岸线进行了验证计算
- One of the biggest improvements on the index was Mauritania, up 61 places in the past two years. 索引里进步最大的国家之一是毛里塔尼亚,在过去的两年中上升了61位。
- The Mauritanian capital, founded in the 3rd century B.C., became an important outpost of the Roman Empire and was graced with many fine buildings. 这里曾是北非古国毛里塔尼亚的首都,古城建于公元前三世纪建立,是罗马帝国的一个重要前哨,有着许多优雅精致的建筑物。
- One of the biggest improvements on the index( was Mauritania), up 61 places in the past two years. 毛利塔尼亚是索引上进步最大的国家之一,它在过去的两年里上升了61名。