- 明代隆庆、万历及崇祯(1567-1644)时期,是吴门画派最盛的时期。During the reigns of Emperors Longqing, Wanli and Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty (1567-1644), the Wu Painting School flourished.
- 蒙古人和满族人的入侵先后建立了元朝(1279-1368)和清朝(1644-1911)的统治。These invasions Brought about the rule by the Mongols and by the Manchus during the Yuan and Qing dynasties respectively
- 作为一门独立的表演艺术,中国舞蹈发展到明(1386-1644)、清(1644-1911)呈衰落趋势As an independent art form, Chinese dance declined in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.
- 布鲁斯特,威廉1567-1644英国清教徒殖民主义者,乘五月花号航行至美洲(1620年), 是普利茅斯殖民地的宗教领袖English Pilgrim colonist who sailed to America on the Mayflower(1620) and was the religious leader of Plymouth Colony.
- TIA-94TL494
- JSR-94JSR- 94
- 患牙2年回访率为4 8 84% ,RCT 2年临床成功率为94 39%。2-year success rate of RCT was 94.39%25.
- 孕产妇死亡率从1990年的94.7/10万下降到1998年的56.2/10万。The country's maternal mortality rate dropped from 94.7/100,000 in 1990 to 56.2/100,000 in 1998.
- 94 CTF位点和.94 CTF site and .
- 糖调节蛋白94GRP94
- 平均每百户家庭拥有94台收音机。Every one hundred families had average of ninety-four radio sets.
- 他已94岁, 神志日衰.He's 94 and his mind is going, ie he is becoming senile.
- 基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂BB-94对急性胰腺炎及其相关性肺损伤的影响Effects of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor BB-94 on acute pancreatitis associated lung injury in rats
- 94这本杂志多少钱?How much is this magazine ?
- 葡萄糖调节蛋白94GRP94
- 前列腺分泌蛋白94prostate-specific protein-94 (PSP94)
- 欢迎乘坐开往广州去的94次直达列车。Welcome on board the 94 through train to Guangzhou.
- 全组正确率 94.2%。The accurate rate of spiral CT in the study was 94. 2%25.
- 民意调查表明,94%的加拿大人支持保护野生生物法律。Opinion polls show that 94 percent of Canadians support laws to protect endangered wildlife.
- 结肠镜诊断鞭虫病94例分析Analysis of 94 Cases of Trichuriasis diagnosed by Colonoscope