- 北京油葫芦Teleogryllus emma(Ohmachi and Matsumura)的人工养殖与成份分析Culture and Nutrition Ingredient Analysis of Teleogryllus Emma (Ohmachi & Matsuura)
- sikkimaleucodera(Staudinger)、细羽齿舟蛾P. kuwayamae(Matsumura)、绚羽齿舟蛾P.sikkima leucodera (Staudinger), P.kuwayamae (Matsumura),P.
- 布特南特,A.F.J.(1903-)Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt (1903~)
- (1903-1972)在坦桑尼亚工作的英国古生物学家。British paleontologist who worked in Tanzania (1903-1972).
- 苹果透翅蛾Conopia hector Butler和苹小吉丁Agrilus mali Matsumura是当前吉林省各地果园为害苹果属果树的两种主要枝干害虫。Conopi-a liectw Butler and Agrilus mali Matsumura are two kinds of main pests which attack the trunk of some fruit trees which belong to apple genus in various orchard of Jilin province at present.
- X-Y型天线座X-Y type antenna pedestal
- 以无穷数乘y.Multiply y by infinity.
- 诺尔曼,约翰·冯1903-1957匈牙利裔美国数学家,他致力于研究过程论和控制论,并有相当贡献Hungarian-born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 假定x=yLet x be y.
- 诺尔曼,约翰 冯1903-1957匈牙利裔美国数学家,他致力于研究过程论和控制论,并有相当贡献Hungarian - born American mathematician who contributed to the game theory and cybernetics.
- 使y等于此函数。Place y equal to the function.
- 用y 除Xto divide X by Y
- Y器Y-organ
- x=y意思是x与y相等。means that x equals y.
- Y)Eosin Y
- y相关y correlation
- y’相y' phase
- Y辐射V -radiation
- Y含量Y addition
- Y系数Y coefficient