- 北京油葫芦Teleogryllus emma(Ohmachi and Matsumura)的人工养殖与成份分析Culture and Nutrition Ingredient Analysis of Teleogryllus Emma (Ohmachi & Matsuura)
- 香奈尔,加布里埃勒 博纳尔1883-1971法国服装设计师,以其设计的紧身套服、紧身女装及她开办的香水厂尤其是香奈尔5号香水而闻名French fashion designer famous for her tailored suits and dresses and for her line of perfumes, particularly Chanel No.5.
- sikkimaleucodera(Staudinger)、细羽齿舟蛾P. kuwayamae(Matsumura)、绚羽齿舟蛾P.sikkima leucodera (Staudinger), P.kuwayamae (Matsumura),P.
- (1813-1883)德国作曲家。(1813-1883) German composer.
- 墨索里尼,B.A.A.(1883-1945)Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (1883~1945)
- 苹果透翅蛾Conopia hector Butler和苹小吉丁Agrilus mali Matsumura是当前吉林省各地果园为害苹果属果树的两种主要枝干害虫。Conopi-a liectw Butler and Agrilus mali Matsumura are two kinds of main pests which attack the trunk of some fruit trees which belong to apple genus in various orchard of Jilin province at present.
- 贝林,E.(A.)(1854-1971)Emil (Adolf) von Behring (1854~1917)
- 美国保护关税与英美纺织品贸易(1883-1913年)American Protective Tariff and Anglo-American Textile Trade: 1883-1913
- 蒂塞利乌斯,A.W.K.(1902-1971)Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius (1902~1971)
- 此过程在IETF RFC 1971中定义。This process is defined in IETF RFC 1971.
- 优特里罗,莫里斯1883-1955法国画家,以其对巴黎街景的景物画著称French painter known especially for his street scenes of Paris.
- 1971-2000年天文台录得气压之月平均值Monthly Atmospheric Pressure Recorded at the Observatory between 1971-2000
- 主张运用政府货币政策和财务方针来消除通货膨胀维持各行业的英国经济学家(1883-1946)。English economist who advocated the use of government monetary and fiscal policy to maintain full employment without inflation (1883-1946).
- 1971-2000年在香港天文台录得气温和雨量之半月平均值Half-monthly normals of Air Temperature and Rainfall recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory, 1971-2000
- 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯(1883-1963)是继惠特曼之后美国本土诗人的又一典范。William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) is another good example of the native American poets after Whitman.
- 尼布尔,雷恩霍德1892-1971美国神学家,主张以伦理道德及基督教戒条来对抗社会问题German historian whose greatly influential history of Rome(published1811-1832) established the modern scientific study of history.
- 麦克斯韦,埃尔萨1883-1963美国漫谈专栏女作家,因其举行的奢华的上流社会聚会而出名的职业主持人American gossip columnist and professional hostess noted for her extravagant high-society parties.
- 全国教育进展评估至少1971以后男孩比女孩考试成绩要底。Boys have scored lower than girls on tests in the National Assessment of Educational Progress since at least 1971.
- 普拉蒂,埃德温·约翰1883-1964加拿大诗人,其诗常以大海或横贯大陆的铁路的修筑为题Canadian poet whose works often concern the sea or the building of the Canadian transcontinental railroad.
- 从1971和1995年委内瑞拉马脑炎疫情还可以吸取另一个教训。There is another lesson from the 1971 and 1995 Venezuelan equine encephalitis epidemics.