- Matsumoto Hiroshi 松本弘(1930-),日本人,官员。
- Jun Matsumoto, challenges the role of half-breed! 松本润,挑战混血儿角色!
- Matsumoto: Where we get new orders to improve. 松本:从他们那里我们可以得到新的改进要求。
- The Expedition is led by Masahide Matsumoto. 登山队由宫野浩率领。
- His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro. 他名叫广志,但人们都称他广。
- And then, Matsumoto could not made films in TBS again. 此后,松本再也不能在TBS制作电影。
- Nakayama.Demonstrated by Hiroshi Shoji [and] Motokuni Sugiura. 作者声明: Text and instructions by M.
- Itsuki Hiroshi also sings the original Japanese version very well. 很欣赏蔡琴的这个版本;不论编曲或演唱; 都非常的好.
- Matsumoto said, “The movie becomes movie-like, is the limitation of movie. 松本曾说过:“电影变得像电影一样就是它的局限性。
- Yanagisawa runs a company in Matsumoto, north of Tokyo, selling the helicopter. 柳泽在东京以北的松本经营一家公司,销售直升飞机。
- In Japan,koshiro matsumoto,the kabuki actor,plays salieri,and audiences love him. 日本的歌舞伎演员松本幸四郎演出Salieri,极获好评。
- Illustrators include: veteran artists such as Tadahito Nadamoto and and Hiroshi Watanabe,who is active in Shanghai. 在插画方面,主要有滩本唯人先生,和现在活跃在上海的渡边宏先生等。
- His left leg prosthesis for his left hand holding the torch of Matsumoto's slow walking the 30 metres. 左脚为义肢的松本选手左手持火炬缓慢步行了30米。
- Hiroshi never knew his father.As a young boy his mother told him his father had died young. 这麽多年来,他一直不认识他的父亲,因为自小他的母亲便告诉他父亲早已离世。
- In Japan, koshiro matsumoto, the kabuki actor, plays salieri, and audiences love him. 日本的歌舞伎演员松本幸四郎演出salieri,极获好评。
- Hiroshi Fujiwara is a popular Japanese musician, trendsetter, producer, and designer, born in Ise, Mie in 1964. 藤原浩,1964年出生于日本伊势湾,著名音乐人,时装设计师,被大众誉为里原宿潮流教父。
- And also we could find many Matsumoto’s works in video performance, inter-media, video installation. 而我们同样可以找到许多松本关于视频表演、媒介和视频装置的作品。
- One evening, on his way home from the office, Hiroshi is accosted by a raggedy man who claims to be his father. 一天,放工回家途中他遇到了一名衣衫褴褛的男子,坚称自己便是他的父亲。
- When he was a student of Kyushu Institute of Design, Toshio Matsumoto was invited as a professor in his University. 当他还是九州艺术工科大学的一位学生时,松本俊夫便应邀在他就读的学校作教授。
- "It was his last news conference, so he let his emotions slip," said Hiroshi Fukada, 56, a public servant. 56岁的政府公务员深田浩说:“这是他最后一次发布会,所以他表露了自己的情绪。即使是我,有时也想对别人说‘我可不像你’这样的话。”