- Mastogloia asperulan. 粗糙胸隔
- Any of various plants of the genus Asperula,having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草一种车叶草属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花
- Any of various plants of the genus Asperula, having whorled leaves and small funnel-shaped flowers. 车叶草一种车叶草属的植物,有螺旋形的叶子和漏斗形的小花
- Old World fragrant stoloniferous perennial having small white flowers and narrow leaves used as flavoring and in sachets; widely cultivated as a ground cover; in some classifications placed in genus Asperula. 长匍匐茎的旧大陆多年生芳香草本植物,有白色的小花和细长的叶子,用作香袋中的香料;作为地被广泛种植;有时被归为香车叶草科。
- any plant of the genus Asperula. 车叶草属的任何一种植物。
- New Records in China for Mastogloia Thwaites 胸隔藻属(Mastogloia Thwaites)在我国的新记录
- in some classifications placed in genus Asperula. 有时被归为香车叶草科。
- Mastogloia adriatica var. linearisn. 亚得里亚胸隔藻线形变种
- Mastogloia cruciata var. elliptican. 十字胸隔藻椭圆变种
- Mastogloia smithii var. excentrican. 史氏胸隔藻偏心变种
- Mastogloia mediterranea var. elliptican. 地中海胸隔藻椭圆变种
- Mastogloia brauni var. constrictan. 布氏节胸隔藻缢缩变种
- Mastogloia acutiuscula var. vairaensisn. 微尖胸隔藻维拉变种
- Mastogloia jelinecki var. extensan. 杰氏胸隔藻延长变种
- Mastogloia elliptica var. dansein. 椭圆胸隔藻丹氏变种
- Mastogloia mauritiana var. capitatan. 毛里胸隔藻头状变种
- Mastogloia pumila var. rennellensisn. 矮小胸隔藻伦内变种
- Mastogloia erythraea var. grunowiin. 红胸隔藻格鲁氏变种
- Mastogloia erythraea var. elliptican. 红胸隔藻椭圆变种
- Mastogloia binotata f. sparsipunctatan. 双标胸隔藻散点变型