- The Master of Laws in Taxation (LL.M.) Program (hereinafter the Program) is a directed independent study program specifically designed for practicing attorneys a... 在税务硕士(LL.;M
- Master of Laws in Taxation 根据税收法律硕士
- Master of Laws in Business and Taxation 商业和税收法律硕士
- Master of Law in Litigation, Faculty of Law, Peking University in 1982. 1982年北京大学法律系诉讼专业法学硕士。
- In the second soyears of the 20th Century,the Agriculture?Chan was a main aspect of China Buddhism,in which Xu yun who lived in Yun Ju mountain of Jiangxi province was a master of law in a responsible position. 兰拖掳胍
- Development report of rule of law in China III. 中国法治发展报告2。
- Images of Law in Chinese Crime Fiction. 中国犯罪小说中的法律形象。
- Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law 中国商业法法学硕士
- Master of Laws in Global Business Law 全球商务法专业硕士
- Master of Laws in International Economic Law 国际经济法法学硕士
- A proclamation of a czarhaving the force of law in imperial Russia. 圣旨在俄罗斯帝国时期有法律效力的沙皇的声明。
- The Masters of Laws is the most recognised masters degree in law in common law countries. Students may complete the degree entirely by coursework or by coursewor... 法律名人赛是最被认可的大师法律学位,在普通法国家。学生可全部完成学位的课程或课程和小论文。
- His son-in-law graduated from the college of law in 1980. 他的女婿1980年毕业于法学院
- Master of Law in International Comparative Private Law 国际比较私法
- Master of Law in International Economic and Business Law 国际经济商业法
- Ideas of fairness in taxation are usually nebulous. 公平这一概念在税收领域一向是模糊不清的。
- The Master of Law is carrying out a religious ritual at the altar. 法师正在斋坛上作法。
- Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting. 希罗宁姆斯·博希是怪诞派绘画大师。
- Master of Laws in International Law and the Law of International Organizations 国际法和国际组织法
- Master of Philosophy in Laws M.Phil. 两年全日制、四年兼读制 法学研究生课程。