- Master Degree in Public Policy 公共政策硕士
- Helping his people has become a focus of Dau's American life, along with working 60 hours a week to cover expenses while taking classes toward a degree in Public Policy from Syracuse University. 为他的民族做贡献,就成了道在美国生活期间的核心。为了勉强维持微薄的生活费用,他每星期都必须走60小时的路去雪城大学上课,他在那里攻读的是公共政策方面的学位。
- I take my Master degree in 1988. 我于1988年获得硕士学位。
- Bachelor or Master Degree in technical sales related area. 本科或硕士教育背景。
- I am doing my master degree in Chemical Engineering. 我正在攻读化学工程的硕士学位。
- In 2000, He got master degree in Southern Yangtze University. 现从事的领域为:粮食加工厂自动控制。
- Each decade witnesses shifts in personal tone as in public policy. 每十年都证明在个人情调上有和公共政策相似的转变。
- Elliot received a J.D., Harvard Law School, a Master in Public Policy (MPP) degree from the Kennedy School of Government, and B.A. From Harvard College. Elliot获哈佛法学院法律博士(J.;D
- D。degree in Public Policy and Management at the Hein z School at Carnegie Mellon University。 这些学校可以是美国政府所认可的大学、学院、专业学校、中小学校、技术或职业学校、语言学校等。
- She acquired her master degree in health policy financing and planning of London University, her doctor degree in epidemiology and biostatistics of Harbin Medical University. 获英国伦敦大学卫生政策规划与筹资硕士学位以及哈尔滨医科大学流行病学与卫生统计学博士学位。
- The MS degree in science, technology, and public policy emphasizes skills in quantitative and qualitative policy analysis as applied to contemporary science and ... 的硕士学位在科学,技术,和公共政策强调技能的定量和定性的政策分析,适用于当代科学和技术基础的问题。
- ME:Fine。。。 VO: You come to XXuniv. to pursue your master degree in CS? 详细过程就不说啦前人已经讲得很详细啦。
- Appropriately defined role for cooperatives in public policy deliberations. 在公共政策协商中适当定义合作社的作用。
- Mr.Fischer is a 1995 graduate of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, where he earned a mid-career master's degree in Public Administration (MPA). 马富生先生在工作期间修读获哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院的公共行政学,并于1995年获颁发公共行政硕士学位。
- He have a master's degree in business science. 他获得了商业学硕士学位。
- Dr. LI holds a Master degree in Business Administration and a Ph. D. Degree in Economics. 李博士持有工商管理硕士学位及经济学博士学位。
- First, the interest in satisfaction is closely linked with the growth of consumerism in public policy. 第一,研究满意度的兴趣与公共政策消费主义的抬头有密切的关联。
- I am currently working on Master Degree in International Commercial law at Fu dan University. 我目前在复旦大学攻读国际商法硕士研究生,今年夏天毕业。
- Consumerism in public policy also emphasizes the value of getting close to the consumer 29. 公共政策中的消费主义也强调贴近消费者的价值29。
- She graduated with Master degree in major vocal pedagogy from Northeaster Illinois University in 2007. 现获得东北伊利诺州立大学声乐教学法硕士学位。