- Massimo Loviso 洛维索,意大利足球运动员
- Thansk again KK for your comment. Greetings from Italy, Massimo. 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- However, Massimo Ambronisi equalized in the 25th minute for Milan. 尽管如此,安布罗西尼在25分钟为米兰扳平了比分。
- Lazio have told AC Milan to return with a new offer for fullback Massimo Oddo. 拉素拒绝了AC米兰对后卫奥多的新的转会邀请.
- AC Milan have announced that they have sold Massimo Donati to Celtic Glasgow. 米兰官方消息,多纳蒂被卖到了凯尔特人。
- Juventus are stepping up their push for Lazio fullback Massimo Oddo. 尤文正在加紧追赶拉奇奥右后卫奥多的步伐。
- AC Milan want to bring Celtic midfielder Massimo Donati back to the San Siro. 米兰想把凯尔特人的原米兰中场多纳蒂带回到圣西罗。
- AC Milan are ready to dump plans to sign Lazio captain Massimo Oddo next month. AC米兰似乎准备放弃签下奥多的计划.
- The farewell among Lazio and Massimo Mutarelli (30) seemed still sure. 关于穆塔雷利离开拉齐奥的事情似乎已经有结果了。
- Thanks May , your comment is very appreciated. Massimo . MyContest . 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- Massimo Oddo expects to still be at Lazio next season, while teammate Goran Pandev is hoping to do the same. 马西莫-奥多希望下个赛季留在拉齐奥,他的队友戈兰-潘德夫也希望如此。
- Lazio captain Massimo Oddo was coy over questions regarding new contract talks after last night's derby victory. 在德比胜利之后;拉齐奥队长奥多对续约问题含糊其词.
- Arsenal are among clubs alerted to the availability of Lazio fullback Massimo Oddo. 阿森纳是竞争拉齐奥实用型后卫马西莫。奥多的俱乐部之一。
- Cagliari president Massimo Cellino admits Inter Milan beat Roma for striker David Suazo yesterday. 卡利亚里主席马西莫·切利诺承认国际米兰击败了罗马,昨日签下戴维·苏亚佐。
- Chelsea already made a bid for Vieri last summer but were told by President Massimo Moratti to look elsewhere. 去年夏天切尔西已经为维耶里开了价,但主席莫拉蒂回绝了。
- Lazio coach Delio Rossi was happy to praise captain Massimo Oddo after last night's3-0 derby defeat of Roma. 在德比战中3:0击溃罗马之后;拉齐奥教练罗西很高兴的表扬了球队的队长奥多.
- Massimo Donati, in force with Parma, but property of Milan, today signed a contract that will tie him to Torino at the end of the season. 我们的多纳蒂今天和都灵签约,将在下半赛季效力该队。他在去年夏天被米兰租借给帕尔马,现在的所有权还是属于米兰。
- Massimo Oddo says he won't be thinking about his club future until the World Cup Finals have come to an end. 马西莫。奥多声明他不会在世界杯决赛圈比赛结束之前考虑未来的俱乐部。
- Cagliari President Massimo Cellino has said that he would like to reinforce his squad with the acquisition of Lazio goalkeeper Matteo Sereni. 卡利亚里主席马西莫.;塞利诺声明他想得到拉齐奥门将马特奥
- AC Milan midfielder Massimo Donati will jet in to Glasgow for talks with Celtic this week. AC米兰中场多纳蒂将会在这个星期启程前往格拉斯哥以同苏超劲旅塞尔迪商谈转会事情。