- Mass unexpected event 群体性突发事件
- This is an initiation point for any unexpected event. 这是任何意料之外的事件的一个启动点。
- How can people provide for unexpected events? 人们如何准备应付意料不到的事件呢?
- Unexpected events may be upsetting. 意料不到的事情会让你心烦意乱。
- Disaster News;Objectivism;Major Role;Supervision of Public Opinion;Unexpected Event;Humanistic Love;Crisis Management by P.R. 01灾难新闻;客观主义;主体地位;舆论监督;突发事件;人文关怀;危机公关
- Handle day-to-day work to deal with unexpected events. 处理保安部日常工作,处理突发事件。
- Unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path. 在我们工作的进程中,出乎意料的事层出不穷。
- If no unexpected events occur, squeezed-down will continue. 如不出意外的话,挤压式下移还会继续。
- Samuel has always lived in an overprotected environment until an unexpected event takes him to Madrid where he will meet Consuelo-a girl in her 20's as disoriented as he is. 直到有一天一件意想不到的事将他意外带到了马德里。在那里,他遇见了一个20岁的女孩孔苏埃尔,和他一样拥有令人迷惑不解的性格。
- Mars is the planet of war, and Uranus, of explosions and unexpected events. 火星是战争之星,而天王星预示着爆发和意想不到的事件。
- mass unexpected incident in university 高校群体性突发事件
- But if there are fewer unexpected events,then maybe you don't have to have that concept of close air support. 但是,如果未曾预料的情况寥寥无几,近距空中支援的概念也就可有可无了。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- But what will guide you through the unexpected events, especially those events that pose a risk to your project? 但是什么能指导您应付那些预料之外的,特别是对项目构成风险的事件呢?
- Whenever Uranus is involved you can never quite tell what will happen, for this is the planet of unexpected events. 每当天王星接近你,都会很难说将要发生什么,毕竟这是一颗主宰着不可预见和惊喜的行星。
- OBJECTIVE:To raise the exigency capacity of drug system to cope with the unexpected events of public heal_ th. 目的:提高突发公共卫生事件中药品相关部门的应急能力。
- Exceptions are unexpected events that interrupt normal execution of an assembly. 异常是打断一个正常程序集执行的未处理事件。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- For example, it can share disclosure information with the Hong Kong stock exchange and act accordantly in cases of unexpected events. 比如,上交所可以与香港交易所同步信息披露,在突发事件中与香港交易所共同行动。
- When an Unexpected Event Happens Suddenly 当意外突然发生