- Mass transport path 扩散路径
- This regime is termed mass transport or diffusion limited. 这种方式被称作质量输送或扩散控制。
- The West Rail provides a convenient mass transport facility to connect this new town with the metro area. 西铁是一项便捷的集体运输设施,连接新市镇和都会区。
- Solubility and diffusivity are two key factors in the description of mass transport. 溶解性和扩散性是描述溶剂在高分子中传质现象的两个关键因素。
- However, chondrocyte growth is limited by the mass transport in scaffolds as diffusion is likely to be the primary mechanism. 但是在支架材料内部物质传递仅仅依赖于扩散,这是支架材料中细胞生长的主要限制因素。
- There are two mainly transport paths, i.e., eastward and southeastward. 大陆北部地区产生的沙尘主要输送路径有两条,即向东输送和向东南输送。
- The alteration of mass transport at the disc-vertebrae interface may interrupt the mechanobiologic balance, and have an effect such as degenerative changes or scoliosis. 椎间盘与椎体交界的大量运输也许会阻断机械生物力学平衡,还会对诸如椎间盘退变改变或脊椎侧弯产生影响。
- Mass transport in solute is changed by applying strong magnetic field during metal corrosion and copper electrodeposite as well as metal solidification. 在电镀、金属腐蚀、金属凝固等过程中施加强磁场,改变了溶质的质量传输,提高了产品质量。
- Mass transport may be the solution for crowded cities, but with this concept, personal needs can be satisfied without putting the environment in jeopardy. 大众运输可能是解决拥挤的城市,但这一概念,个人需要能够得到满足而不环境处于危险之中。
- The movement of water through wood as a result of drying takes place as mass transport of liquid water and as diffusional transport of bound water and water vapor. 木材干燥发生水分移动,表现为液态水的大量传导和结合水及水蒸气的扩散。
- The voters should petition the legislators for better mass transportation. 有权力的人应该向政治家请愿作更佳的大众意向的运输。
- Started with a quick recap of the mass transport in the Ekman layer, and provided an arm-waving description of the velocity structure with depth within the Ekman layer. 迅速的概述在埃克曼层中的质量运输,并用动作来给出关于在埃克曼层中随高度变化的速度结构的描述。
- Now a strategy is emerging at last.Mr Oberstar would spend $450 billion on roads, bridges and mass transport, 38% above current levels, and devote $50 billion to high-speed rail. 如今,终于有一个针对这些问题的新政浮出水面.;奥巴斯特表示,将有4500亿元用于修筑公路,架设桥梁和公众出行运输,其中有38%25将高于当前的水平,并且有500亿元将用于高速列车项目。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Tangible entities like our excellent facilities: the airport, our mass transport system, our national air carrier; that all allows us the basic level of identification with Singapore. 具体的东西,例如我们卓越的设备:机场、公共交通系统和新航,都能让我们对新加坡产生一种基本的认同感。
- A possible out for big ship would be their use for mass transportation of tourists. 大船的一个可能出路就是用来输送大批旅客。
- Tangible entities like our excellent facilities: the airport,our mass transport system,our national air carrier; that all allows us the basic level of identification with Singapore. 具体的东西,例如我们卓越的设备:机场、公共交通系统和新航,都能让我们对新加坡产生一种基本的认同感。
- Mass transportation revised the social and economic fabric of the American city in three fundamental ways. 公共交通运输从三个根本方面改变了美国城市的社会和经济结构。
- Second, we must make greater efforts to develop mass transportation system, such as bus lines and subway lines. 第二,我们必须作出更大的努力,发展大众运输系统,如公交线路和地铁线路。
- The numerical scheme of the advection term should be designed correctly for the fronts of sharp concentration gradients to prevent excessive numerical diffusion or dispersion when calculating mass transport in the areas of estuary and coast. 用数值模式对河口海岸地区的物质输运进行计算时,平流项的数值格式必须要能正确处理物质浓度锋面,以避免产生过多的数值耗散或频散。