- So, the Marxist practice philosophy is the theoretical justification and guiding methodology for our correct understanding of subjectivity issues. 因此,只有马克思的实践哲学才是我们正确认识主体性问题的理论根据。
- Marxist practical philosophy 马克思主义实践哲学
- From "Basic Problem" to "Shifting in Practice" in Philosophy--The sublate of Marxist practical philosophy toward German Classic Philosophy 从哲学"基本问题"看"实践转向"--马克思实践哲学对德国古典哲学的扬弃
- Marxist philosophy is a kind of practical philosophy that is on the premise of reflection hot surmounts reflection. 摘要马克思主义哲学是以反思为前提又超越反思的实践哲学。
- If he had neither innocence nor weakness, he had no practical philosophy. 如果说幼稚和软弱跟他从来没有缘份,那么,实用哲学对他也是陌生的。
- According to Marxist practical conception,Lizehou explained the essence of beauty and believed that essence of beauty is objective and socialized. 李泽厚较早地运用马克思主义实践观点,从物质生产实践这个根本上来阐释美的本质,并提出美是客观的、社会的。
- The urgent problems of the market offer the chance to rediscover China's treasures of wisdom and practical philosophy. 现在虽然市场出现了紧急问题,但也给我们提供了一个机会,去重新发现中国智慧和实践哲学的宝藏。
- Aristotle's Ethics falls into practical philosophy for it concerns human conduct rather than cognition with teleology as its theoretical basis. 摘要亚里士多德的伦理学属于实践哲学,讨论的是人的行为而非认知。目的论是这种伦理学的基础。
- Marx's Theory of Intersubjeetivity is not just theories, but also practical philosophy of survival on the significance of the problem. 马克思的主体间性理论的出场不仅仅是理论问题,更是实践哲学意义上的生存论问题。
- As a practical philosophy, the administrative philosophy is a subject with administrative publicity and its realization as studying object. 行政哲学作为实践哲学,就是以政府公共性理念及其现实化为研究对象的一门科学。
- Heidegger's interpretation of Kantian practical philosophy is an important part of his interpretation of Kantian philosophy. 摘要海德格尔对康德实践哲学的解读是他阐释康德哲学的重要组成部分。
- Mar's practical philosophy is the first one that established the practical essence of philosophy and began the turning from abstract ontology to practical analysis. 摘要马克思实践哲学第一次确立了哲学理论的实践本质,开始了哲学从抽象本体论思辩向现实实践分析的转向。
- Marxist philosophy is a practical materialism. 摘要马克思主义哲学是实践的唯物主义。
- MacIntyre's concept of practice is the inheritance of practical philosophy from Aristotle, and he transcends him. 麦金太尔的实践观是对亚里士多德的实践哲学思想的继承与超越。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- The present paper, with the modes of Arabic merchants' management, thinking and life as the typical examples, expounds the practical philosophy of economy from such three perspectives as of commerce philosophy, management philosophy and commerce morality. 本文以阿拉伯商人经营、思维和生活方式的典型事例,从商业哲学、管理哲学、商业道德三个层面阐述当代阿拉伯人的实践经济哲学
- It goes against the Marxist principles. 这违反马克思主义原则。
- Practice philosophy concerns common problems, that is, the theme of human life activities, the existence. 实践哲学关注共同的问题域,即现实人类的生命活动、生存本身等主题。
- She always takes a Marxist line. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。
- The theory of tacit knowledge arised in mid-20th century takes phronesis as an independent and autonomous mode of knowledge, thus challenged the theoretical tradition of knowledge and revitalized the Aristotelian tradition of practical philosophy. 20世纪中叶兴起的默会知识论把phronesis视为一种自主、独立的知识形态,从认识论上激活了亚里士多德的实践哲学传统,对理论的知识传统形成了挑战。