- Marxist environmental thoughts 马克思主义环境思想
- Those serious environment problems and ecological crisis made people reflect themselves and resulted in the separation of anthropocentrism and anti-anthropocentrism in environmental thoughts. 严峻的环境问题和生态危机,引发了人们对这两个问题的深刻反思,并导致了环境思想中人类中心主义与非人类中心主义的分野。
- It is this re-survey that impels the development ecological and environmental thoughts in the West,forming two main schools of "Human centralism"and "Anthropocentrism". 对这个问题的思考,促使了西方现代意义上的生态与环境伦理思想的发展,形成了“人类中心主义”和“自然中心主义”两大流派。
- Marxist environmental philosophy 马克思主义环境哲学
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- It goes against the Marxist principles. 这违反马克思主义原则。
- She always takes a Marxist line. 她一贯奉行马克思主义路线。
- The Marxist is the leading of our party thought. 摘要马克思主义是我们党的指导思想。
- She's a convinced Marxist, Buddhist, etc. 她是坚定的马克思主义者、 佛教徒等。
- The new vicar's a Marxist that'll set the cat among the pigeons! 新来的牧师是马克思主义者--这下子可要鸡犬不宁了。
- Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory. 列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。
- Enlightenment of Marxist Environmental Theory on Moral Education in Colleges and Universitices 马克思主义德育环境理论对高校德育的启示
- What do you think of the environmental pollution? 你对环境污染怎么看?
- They lobbied on the environmental protection issue. 他们就环境保护问题在议员中进行了游说。
- The human general development theory is Marxist important thought. 摘要人的全面发展理论是马克思主义重要的思想。
- Environmental problems that touch us all. 与我们所有人都有关的环境问题
- Mao Zedong thoughts is the theoretical result of Marxist sinification. 摘要毛泽东思想是马克思主义中国化的理论成果。
- We must study history from a Marxist viewpoint. 我们必须用马克思主义的观点研究历史。
- There was a crude Marxist guidance. 有一种马克思主义的简单指导。
- She was deeply read in the Marxist classics. 她对马克思主义经典著作作了深刻的研究。