- Marxist educational thoughts 马克思教育思想
- He got his Marxist education in jail. 他是在监狱中接受马克思主义教育的。
- Ma" s educational thoughts, however, has its limitation-compromise and flabbiness. 局限性,即妥协性和软弱性。
- The wrong educational idea of philosophy is the prime cause that restricts the Marxist education of philosophy. 不正确的哲学教育观念是制约马克思主义哲学教育的根本原因。
- This book makes a study and analysis of the major problems involved in the evolution of the educational thoughts and the educational systems in song. 研究与论述了宋元时期教育思想与教育制度发展演变过程中的主要问题。在史料的发掘与运用以及比较研究方面有较多的突破。本书系哲学社会科学国家重点研究课题。
- China is famous for her brilliant ancient education thoughts. 中国的古代教育思想闻名全球。
- To study his eduction thoughts can fill the blank in our country. 对他的研究可弥补我国在这个方面研究的空白。
- Mo-tse educational thoughts, its polemics, practical method, scientific experiment, and creative spirit have similarities with modern science. 墨学中的辩论技巧、实践方法、科学实验、创新精神等与近代科学有相似之处。
- We can safely say that the research of Yan Yuan's practical educational thoughts has gone through various climaxes, rich in achievement. 摘要国内对颜元及其实学教育思想的研究可谓高潮迭起,成就巨大而且成果丰富,但在研究、介绍以及评价当中,也存在一些误区。
- Mao Ze-dong also received his enlightenment through Marxist education in Peking University. 毛泽东也曾在北大接受了马克思主义的启蒙教育。
- We can safely say that the research of Yan Yuan's practical educational thoughts has gone through various climaxes,rich in achievement. 国内对颜元及其实学教育思想的研究可谓高潮迭起,成就巨大而且成果丰富,但在研究、介绍以及评价当中,也存在一些误区。
- As we used to say, the rectification movement is "a widespread movement of Marxist education". 我们过去说过,整风运动是一个“普遍的马克思主义的教育运动”[1]。
- The content of Musical Pedagogue must be re-constructed in current educational thoughts and be extended in its conception and practice. “音乐教学法”研究内容的组成要素,即教学目标、教学内容以及教学手段在当前教育思潮中要进行重构,进行概念与实践方面的延伸摸索。
- Mo Zi s educational thoughts,which were regarded as heretical in the Chinese feudal society for more than 2000 years,survived unyieldingly owing to their unique value. 墨子的教育思想在2000多年的封建社会中一直被视为异端,但终因其独特的价值而顽强地存活下来。
- A reflection, in the perspective of the history of China's modern educational thoughts, on the conservatism in educational reform is of positive value and practical significance. 摘要以现代中国教育思想史的维度检视教育改革中的“保守主义”具有积极的历史价值和现实意义。
- A Review of moral education thoughts in the critical pedagogy in the U.S. 美国批判教育学的道德教育思想述评。
- The essence of the fact that Tao Xingzhi went beyond the Christian educational thoughts is the adaptation of Christian cosmopolitanism to the values of the reality. 陶以民族主义实现了主体人格转型为民族本位主义的现代教育家,对于基督教教育思想的超越,其本质是基督世界主义与普世价值的民族适应。
- The educational thoughts deriving from Chinese and western countries' culture systems respectively have their own merits and deficiencies, and present distinct features. 中、西两大文化体系所孕育出来的教育思想,各有长短,互有优势,并呈现出鲜明的特质。
- Mao Zedong's view of people's teachers is an important constituent of his educational thoughts including the abundant intension and the great philosophies of life. 摘要毛泽东的人民教师观是毛泽东教育思想的重要组成部分,包含着丰富的内涵和深刻的哲理。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。