- We must put Descartes and his philosophy thought among the long river of dialectical development to investigate, analyse and appraise the Descartes' philosophy thought impartialy with Marxist criticism spirit. 我们必须把笛卡尔这个人和他的哲学思想放在辩证发展的历史长河中进行考察,真正用马克思主义的批判精神公正地分析和评价笛卡尔哲学思想。
- Marxist critical spirit 马克思主义批判精神
- The imagination imitates. It is the critical spirit that creates. 想象是模仿,批判的精神才具有创造力。
- As the British Marxist critic (and religious believer) Terry Eagleton has said: “Gray can fulminate against genocide, but we have yet to meet a giraffe that can do so. 如伊格尔顿所说:“格雷可以强烈地批评屠杀,但我们还没遇到能这样做的一只长颈鹿。”
- The intensely critical spirit is often the narrow-minded and ignorant one. 极爱吹毛求疵的人往往是心胸狭窄和无知的人。
- Eagleton is a well-known Marxist critic of literary theory and literature. His criticism theory is characterized by political criticism of ideology. 伊格尔顿是一位著名的马克思主义文学理论家和文学批评家,他批评理论的特征和概念体系就是:意识形态政治批评。
- Korean famous scholar Ding Ruo-yong(1762-1836) was a thinker with critical spirit. 韩国著名学者丁若镛(1762-1836)是一位具有批判精神的思想家。
- In this respect, the farsighted critical spirit established by Kant is eternally worth valuing and speculating. 在此意义上讲,由康德所奠定的那种高瞻远瞩的理性批判精神,是永远值得人们珍惜和深思的。
- Especially in the study of Confucianism,he not only inspects rationally Confucius,Confucianism and classics,but also excavates the critical spirit of traditional humanism. 尤其在儒学研究中 ,他不仅对孔子、孔教与经学做了理性的检视 ,还对传统哲学的人文批判精神做了有意义的挖掘 ,从中可见其传统意识。
- We must acknowledge that while our theorists, artists and writers have made a Marxist criticism of some negative tendencies, it has not yielded tangible results. 我们应当承认,在理论界和文艺界对一些错误倾向是进行了一些马克思主义的批评的,只是效果不够显著。
- The poems of both are permeated with zeitgeist, patriotism and critical spirit, which have made great contribution to poetry writing. 张、龚的诗歌都具有浓厚的时代气息,强烈的爱国情思,深刻的批判精神。
- We must acknowledge that while our theorists,artists and writers have made a Marxist criticism of some negative tendencies,it has not yielded tangible results. 我们应当承认,在理论界和文艺界对一些错误倾向是进行了一些马克思主义的批评的,只是效果不够显著。
- His conception has great revelatory significace for literary study today, for it contains a profound realistic critical spirit. 其中蕴含着深刻的现实批判精神,对于当代文论研究仍然不无启示意义。
- Fredric Jameson and His Marxist Critical Theory 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊和他的马克思主义批评理论
- Humanism: The revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance. 直译:人文主义:古典文学、个人主义精神和批判精神的复兴,以及涉及文艺复兴的根本特征那样的对世俗的强调。
- However, his Nihilism is not purpose, not goal, but a way. His real purpose is to establish a new rational critical spirit. 但是他的虚无主义不是目的,不是归宿,而是一种手段,其真正目的在于塑造一种新的理性批判精神。
- As the offspring of modernization, the relativism of culture and history is radically eroding the negative doctrine and critical spirit which are the kernel of human rights. 作为现代化产物的文化相对主义和历史相对主义都在从根基上侵蚀着作为人权内核的否定性原则和批判性精神。
- In this article, Habermas"s "reconstructing" theory has two aspects.One side, he affirmatively inherits Marxian critical spirit and some basal theory points. 本文认为,哈贝马斯的“重建”理论存在双重维度:一方面,他肯定地继承了马克思的批判精神和某些基本的理论观点。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- Ruan Ji took Zhuangzi's summit ideal state, "Xiaoyaoyou" (Care-free peregrination), as his own life goal, and he fully secured the quintessence of Zhuangzi's critical spirit. 阮籍以庄子的最高理想境界-“逍遥游”为自己的人生目标,又深得庄子批判精神的精髓。