- Marxism in Chinese context 中国化马克思主义
- The rules can also be classified into three consecutive stages, that is, the interpretation, application and innovation of Marxism in Chinese circumstances. 从内在环节看,马克思主义中国化的规律包含了马克思主义解释、应用、创新这三个基本环节。
- Firstly, Qiangjian in Chinese context is a "stigma of sexuality" which emphasizes "jian" rather than "qiang" from the perspective of human rights. 在人权的视角下,汉语语境中的“强奸”首先属于一种有悖人权的“性的污名”,其重点在“奸”而不在“强”;
- Though the word Qiangjian has prevailed in Chinese context for a long time, it does not correspond with the culture of human rights today. 尽管长期以来,“强奸”一直是中国社会中的流行话语,但是,“强奸”的说法与当今的人权时代是格格不入的。
- Though the word Qiangjian has prevailed in Chinese context for a long time,it does not correspond with the culture of human rights today. 尽管长期以来,“强奸”一直是中国社会中的流行话语,但是,“强奸”的说法与当今的人权时代是格格不入的。
- Based on the Theory of Planning Behavior (TPB), this study examines the influence of some organizational factors on the knowledge-sharing of members in Chinese context. 基于计划行为理论,本文检验了我国情境下一些影响成员知识分享的组织因素。
- Based on the results of the two experiments, novel interpretations have been attempted and some pedagogical implications have been drawn for TEFL in Chinese context. 根据两个实验的结果,作者尝试提出了一些新的解释和对中国把英语作为外语的教学的启示。
- We need Marxism in our struggle. 我们的斗争需要马克思主义。
- It's in Chinese I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂。
- We must apply Marxism in the light of China's specific conditions. 我们必须按照中国的具体情况应用马克思主义。
- Forum of "Modern Strategies for Residences in Chinese Context" 关于"中国式住宅"的论坛
- In Chinese history peasants rebelled several times. 在中国历史上,农民曾数次造反。
- Chinese ritual bronze vessels began to show northern features, while northern artifacts and personal ornaments increasingly appeared in Chinese contexts with Chinese workmanship and motifs. 中原的仪式青铜器开始展现北方的特征,而与此同时的北方手工品和个人装饰品也出现了中原的工艺和主题。
- User's manual and technolog specs in Chinese. 中文产品的使用说明书和技术说明书。
- The Analysis of Foreign Teachers'Language Teaching in Chinese Context 高等院校外籍教师教学现状分析
- He painted a picture in Chinese ink. 他画了一幅水墨画。
- How much will it be in Chinese currency? 兑换成中国的货币是多少?
- At the beginning, I wrote the prologue in Chinese. 最初,我用中文写了本版的序言。
- Do you have a brochure in Chinese? 请问有没有中文的?