- Marriage under duress 因胁迫结婚
- Those who acted under duress shall go unpunished. 胁从不问。
- He signed the confession under duress. 他被迫无奈在供状上签了字。
- Accomplices under duress shall gounpunished. 胁从不问。
- Accomplices under duress shall go unpunished. 胁从不问。
- These unequal treaties were made under duress. 这些不平等条约是在被迫的情况下签订的。
- He claimed that he signed the confession under duress. 他说他是被迫在认罪书上签字的。
- The hedge fund industry was clearly “under duress”, Mr Gann said. 甘恩表示,对冲基金业明显“处于受压状态”。
- There's no suggestion that the boys are acting under duress. 没有迹象显示孩子们是被强迫做这些活动。
- That was precluded by the very nature of strictly monogamous marriage under the rule of the man. 在男子统治下的牢固的个体婚制的整个本质,是排斥这一点的。
- So even where gay couples enjoy all the legal benefits of marriage under state law, they do not enjoy equality under federal law. 所以,即使同性夫妇可享有在州际法律下所有的合法权益,也无法享有联邦法律下的婚姻平等。
- Hunkui peaches Rongji governor tortured to extract confessions, Dou'e extracted under duress and was executed. 昏聩的桃杌太守严刑逼供,将窦娥屈打成招,并被处死。
- It was a rough and blowy night when Cowperwood started for this institution under duress. 当柯帕乌被逼动身到这个机关里去的时候,是寒风刺骨的夜里。
- With over 23 years of marriage under our belts, we have found the following strategies work best to love intentionally; to love authentically and to love consciously. 在23年多的婚姻纽带里,我们找到了下列很奏效的策略,去有意识地爱,真正地爱,清醒地爱。
- Marriage under a Registrar's Certificate, usually in a registry office, but also in other buildings, usually those of minority religious groups such as Quakers, Humanists, etc. 二、按照政府规定的登记手续办理结婚,通常在登记处举行,但也有在其它建筑物里举行的,这些建筑物通常属于像公谊会或者人道主义者协会等人数不多的宗教团体所有。
- The 17 Point Agreement was signed under duress and has absolutely no legal basis. 17条协议是在被胁迫之下签署的,绝对没有任何法律依据。
- However, 'if the economy is under duress,' Mr.Reinhart says, 'too long doesn't look that long at all. 不过林哈特表示,如果美国经济受到抑制,利率过长时间处于低位也不是问题。
- Yeah, a robber intruded into and held me under duress with a gun,when I was withdrawing money in a bank. 是的,有个抢匪挟持了我。当时我正在银行取钱,他突然跑进来,还带着枪。
- Europe will possibly maintain own independent status, no longer will receive Russia's holding under duress. 欧洲可能会重新保持自身的独立地位,不再受俄罗斯的挟持。
- For a start, most cases coming before a jury involve a confession, often obtained under duress. 首先,许多要经陪审团审理的案件都有认罪供述。但这常常是通过刑讯逼供得到的。