- Out of line with the prevailing market level. 是指与现行行市不相符合。
- Your price is entirely out of line with the market level. 你方价格与市价完全不符。
- Your counter-offer is not in line with the present market level. 你方的还价不符合目前市价行情。
- But the price comes in line with the prevailing market level. 可是这个价格和目前的市场水平相一致。
- Your counteroffer is not up to the present market level . 你的还价是不符合目前市场价格。
- Your counteroffer is not up to the present market level. 你的还价是不符合目前市场价格。
- If source level information is available, the tool displays the source line for the frame. 如果源级别信息可用,则此工具显示帧的源行。
- When measurement is not feasible, apply common sense and educated estimation to obtain performance level information. 如无法采用量算方法,可引用常识及有根据的判断,藉此取得表现水平的资料。
- Now the nice thing is that from those history logs, meaningful business level information can be captured. 现在比较好的事情是可从历史日志中捕获有意义的业务信息。
- In order to integrate the basic geometric data and high level information, it is important for CAX system to use part information model. 零件信息模型在CAX技术中起着十分重要的作用 ,实现了对零件底层几何信息和高层非几何信息的集成。
- For improving, applying rough set theory, analyses the test paper, and discovers both redundance and significant level information. 为此,运用粗糙集理论对试卷进行分析,揭示隐藏其中的冗余信息和重要度信息。
- Much to our regret,as your price is out of line with the market level,it is difficult for us to accept it. 很遗憾,由于你方价格与市场行情不符,我方歉难接受。
- There have been two major international initiatives in this respect, one at the firm level and one at the market level. 这方面有两项主要国际措施,一是在企业层面,一是在市场层面。
- Both LE-TREM and C-TREM have good performance to deal with salt and pepper noise, which ability comes from their way measuring grayscale level information. 两种方法都具有很好的抗椒盐噪声性能,其抗噪性能的本质在于两种参数都是对局部邻域灰度层次信息的统计,对于灰度幅值的变化不敏感。
- Our end-users here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. 我方用户认为你方价格过高,与现行市场行情不一致。
- No official view on the right market level has been taken and there never will be such a view. 我们并没有对何谓适当的市场水平有任何官方意见,同时亦不会有这个意见。
- Much to our regret, as your price is out of line with the market level, it is difficult for us to accept it. 很遗憾,由于你方价格与市场行情不符,我方很难接受。
- Zhang Qiaomei peddles dish be out of pocket, main reason did not know market level namely, her flatter oneself.. 张巧梅贩菜赔钱;主要原因就是没有了解市场行情;她自以为...
- The price that imports pulp, waste paper rises drop to be affected each other with paper and chipboard market level. 进口纸浆、废纸的价格升跌与纸及纸板市场行情相互牵动。
- First, the candidate femur regions from B\|ultrasonic wave images according to the shape and gray level information are segmented. Secondly, the femur regions are defined by their neighbouring regions. 首先利用灰度、形状信息从B超图像中分割出股骨的候选区域 ,根据候选区域周围组织确定股骨区域。